Chapter XVI

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Your POV:
"Now, if you would be so kind, why don't you tell me where the new Resistance base is," I continued with my interrogation.

"I don't know, fortunately I wasn't informed of it," Thaxton answered and I felt like he might actually have been telling the truth for once.

Knowing that I couldn't trust him, I searched through his thoughts, a memory of being in the trenches appearing before me. It was interesting to see the battle from that perspective, where the red clay made impossible to see what they were shooting at but also providing protecting from the enemy from seeing them.

Thaxton continued shooting out in the direction of the enemy, being able to spot a few stormtroopers through the red dust and taking them down. I could tell he was tiring, but determined to keep the fight going so that he could hold the enemy off long enough for the Resistance to escape.

Suddenly I could hear General Leia's voice in their headsets, "ground soldiers, start coming back in and get into the last transport. The X-Wings will follow you and then we'll meet up on the planet-"

She was cut off by an explosion as a tie fighter shot into the trench. Thaxton was thrown backwards and knocked unconscious, enraging me that he had to have been knocked by an explosion right then rather than a second later. Now we were left without the knowledge of where the Resistance base was, unless Ben was having more luck that I was.

"Well, it seems that you were telling the truth, that really is a shame," I sighed as I let go off my hold over his mind. "But don't you worry, we will find your new base and when we do, the Resistance won't be able to rely on their little Jedi to help them out. This is where the Resistance ends once and for all."

I left the interrogation room and nodded to the stormtroopers stationed outside, allowing them to execute the prisoner. Rather than stay and enjoy his death, I made my way to the training room to meet up with Ben and compare what we had learned. Probably bored from having to wait for me to finish up, Ben was training with his lightsaber when I arrived, making me watch him in awe. I always enjoyed watching Ben fight, it was such an eloquent style but broken by unpredictable bursts of anger.

"Did your prisoner confirm the location of Skywalker as well?" Ben asked as he turned off his lightsaber and faced me.

I nodded, "he didn't see the map, but I found a memory of him and a colleague discussing the planet that was on the map Diruno showed me. How about you?"

"I saw the map and it doesn't seem that they have left the planet yet, I think it will be our best course of action to leave as soon as possible to attack them. Unfortunately, the Resistance fighter did not know where the new base is going to be, so we'll have to search the galaxy for them."

"Mine almost found out, but an explosion knocked off his headset right before the planet was named. But I know of the Resistance's plan of attack upon our ships. If I were to try to guess, I would assume that that they will launch that attack against us once they have regrouped on this new base."

"Inform General Hux of it and then we will plan our attack on the last of the Jedi," Ben ordered me, picking up his mask and putting it back over his head.

"Wait Ben, there was something that I wanted to ask you before we dispersed," I spoke up, placing my hand on his wrist.

"What is it?"

"When I was interrogating Thaxton, he mentioned something about Rey beating you the last time you two battled together. Was that true?"

I could hear Ben sigh beneath his helmet and he nodded, "that was the battle on Starkiller Base. She is strong with the force and can hold her own in a fight, no doubt used to it from her time on Jakku. She is the reason I have this scar across my face, she nearly killed me, but was prevented by the collapsing planet. But I don't want you to worry about facing her, the only reason she was able to beat me was because before the fight I was shot with a bowcaster and was deeply wounded. As long as you are in a better condition, I doubt you'll have any trouble at all overpowering her, no matter what Skywalker has taught her."

"What you, the mighty Kylo Ren, couldn't win a fight against this girl just because of some little wound?" I teased, wrapping my arms around my neck.

"Hey, you've seen the scars of that 'little wound' and you know how bad it was," Ben pointed out, bringing my thoughts to the nights of passion that we shared. I must admit, I didn't mind thinking about the scars, it reminded me of his muscular chest and arms that held me close to him.

I was so caught up in the thought that I didn't realize Ben had removed his mask until he had me pinned up against the wall, "you make me jealous when you have that look in your eyes, even if I know you are just thinking about me."

"I can't help that you're so damn hot," I replied, running my fingers through his hair.

Ben placed his lips on mine, kissing me feverishly. He pulled my cloak over my head, making me giggle in giddiness. But I knew that we didn't have time to do this right now, I had to tell Hux of our impending attack and Ben needed to start planning our attack on the last Jedi.

"Ben, you really must learn how to control yourself," I commented slipping out of his grasp to pick up his fallen cloak. "I'm going to pay a visit to Hux, shall I meet you in your room afterwards?"

"Just don't take too long," he agreed, placing a final kiss upon my lips.


So I had rumors that the Solo trailer was supposed to drop today... where is it? The movies in four months now and we haven't gotten anything, though to be honest I'm not very hopeful for the movie as a whole. But who knows, maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised!

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