Chapter III

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Your POV:
"I don't even have a real name," I muttered in response, not caring how Lord Ren would react to that. I really wanted to become something, but something inside of me told me that I shouldn't agree to his proposition.

"How does (y/n) (l/n) sound?" He asked, causing me to blink in surprise.

"Did you-did you just give me a name?" I stammered, looking up at his mask. Did a monster actually just make up a name so that I would join him?

"A monster?" He scoffed, his smirk almost present in his robotic voice. "I thought you supported our cause?"

Lord Ren lifted his hands to his mask, causing it to release a strange noise and removed it. His shoulder length wavy black hair cascaded down his head and his chiseled face became known to me. My breath got hitched in my throat as I looked into his deep-set dark eyes, a fluttering in my stomach. His pale skin contrasted his dark attire, hair, and eyes perfectly and his lips were full, tilted upwards at the end in a small smirk-like expression. There was also a scar imprinted into the right side of his face. I hated to admit it, but he was attractive, not something I expected to see from my superior.

"Do you really think so?" He asked, his gloved hand gently brushing against my cheek. I shivered at his featherlight touch and my face grew hot with the realization that he knew I thought him attractive.

"I-I'm sorry," I muttered, stepping away from him, as though that would help me control my thoughts.

"Don't fear me, (y/n), together we can rule the galaxy and end this war," Lord Ren proposed, closing the space I had created between us.

"Why do you need me? I'm nobody, just your average stormtrooper, how could I help you?"

"You are strong with the force, I can train you to become as powerful as I and together we can bring down the remaining Jedi and restore peace to the galaxy," Lord Ren persuaded. "There will not be a creature alive who does not know your name and you will be far more important than you can ever be as a stormtrooper."

"And if I fail you?" I asked, not understanding how I could ever become as powerful as he wished.

"You will not fail me, I can sense your anger and your lust for recognition. You must use these emotions to fuel your actions, let yourself become consumed in hatred and together you can bring down the meddlesome Resistance."

I shook my head, "I-I think you are mistaken, I can never be this- this hero that you seem to think I can grow into. You are far more powerful than I can ever become."

"But you can! Just give into your desires!" He practically pleaded.

"If I do agree, what is to become of me?" I asked a little hesitantly.

"We will begin training as soon as possible until you are ready to go out into the field. After that moment, the entire galaxy will know your name and bow to your every will due to their fear."

Seeing no other way around it, I nodded, "Very well, shall we begin?"

A ghost of a smile formed on Lord Ren's face as he led me to a table of weapons that were lying out. He picked up a cylindrical silver object and handed it to me as though he expected me to know what it was and how to use it.

Either because of my confused expression or because he read my thoughts, Lord Ren explained, "That is a lightsaber, it is an elegant weapon used by Jedi and Sith alike. You may be familiar with using a blaster and staff, but this type of technology is far superior to those. Each one is carefully crafted using a kyber crystal as its power source."

As I listened to his explanation, I ignited the blade, a bright red light shooting out from the end. It was accompanied by a low hum, entrancing me with its beauty. I moved the blade around a bit, watching as the color danced before my eyes.

"It may be beautiful, (y/n), but it is the most deadly weapon that you've ever worked with. You best be careful, you could just as easily decapitate yourself than you can dismember your enemies."

That's a beautiful image to have in my mind, thanks for that, I couldn't help thinking as I spun the blade around a bit more. I couldn't help but notice the small smirk that found its way into Kylo Ren's face as the thoughts crossed my mind and immediately wished that I could stop him from knowing exactly what I was thinking.

"I can help you with that," he told me, earning a confused look in response. "I can teach you to conceal your thoughts from those who may wish to pry."

"And why would you want to do that? Surely you enjoy knowing exactly what I'm thinking?"

"No matter what I enjoy, having such a readable mind is more dangerous in the hands of the enemy than getting to know what my apprentice is thinking is amusing to me."

"Y-your apprentice?" I repeated, still shocked by what has happened. Who would have thought that one day I was just another one of the faceless stormtroopers and the next I was the apprentice of the most dangerous man in the galaxy.

"Unfortunately it is getting late, so it is probably best if you rest up, you have a long day of training ahead of you. If you will follow me, I will bring you to your new quarters," Kylo Ren spoke as he put his helmet back over his head.

Vaguely wondering if I should do the same as him, I chose to keep my helmet off, proudly walking a pace behind Kylo Ren with my (h/c) hair shown freely to the rest of the base. He brought me to a wing that I had never stepped foot in before. As though he was fully expecting me to be distracted by my surroundings, Kylo suddenly stopped in front of a door, causing me to crash into him.

"This will be your room from now on, I suggest you get some sleep tonight, you'll want to be fully rested for tomorrow. I will come get you in the morning and we'll start training immediately," he informed me as I regained my balance and tried to ignore my cheeks burning from embarrassment.

"Thank you," I muttered politely, but I wasn't sure if he heard me as he walked away.

With a sigh, I stepped into the room and had a look around. Everything was black, from the bed sheets to the dresser. It seemed to contain the bare minimum, merely a bed, a dresser, a closet, and a desk. There was a door off to the side that led to a pristine bathroom.

Well, this is quite homey, I thought to myself as I walked around the room and checked to see what I had stocked in terms of clothes. There were a few pairs of the same outfit- a black sports bra, black leggings, and black trainers. There was also two pairs of silk black pajamas, which I got changed into before slipping under the covers and falling asleep.


So I'm back to having inspiration to write this story after seeing Last Jedi so that's the good news! Just so you know, I planned this story before seeing Last Jedi so it will not be following the cannon, although there will be some references to things in Last Jedi so I hope you enjoy!

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