Chapter VIII

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Your POV:
"I have an assignment for you," Ben informed me as we walked into the training room a few weeks later.

"An assignment?" I questioned, looking up at him in surprise.

"You didn't think I was going to send you out into the field for your first time to battle a Jedi, did you?" Ben asked me and I could tell he was raising his eyebrow skeptically beneath his helmet.

"Of course not, I was just not expecting it to be so soon," I lied easily, knowing that he wouldn't be able to read my thoughts and discover that it was a lie.

"You know, just because you can keep me out of your thoughts does not mean that I can't tell when you're lying," Ben smirked as he removed his helmet and I felt myself blush. "Now, as this is your first mission, I will not be sending you there alone, but I will be accompanying you. We are there to find a known Resistance sympathizer, one who has proved to be a valuable asset to their pitiful organization."

"And when we find him?"

"If you have to ask that question, then perhaps I have not trained you well enough. We are there to interrogate him and then kill him."

Those words caused all of the blood to rush from my head, causing me to sway slightly. I had never killed anyone before, despite being trained to do that since I was a small child. When the time came, I was unsure if I would be able to do it.

"(Y/N), are you listening?" Ben asked, taking my hand in his.

"I'm sorry, I've just never killed anyone before," I admitted sheepishly, avoiding eye contact with my master.

"Don't worry, (y/n), it isn't as hard as it sounds, you just can't overthink it," Ben assured me, tilting my chin up so that I was looking straight into his chocolate brown eyes. "Besides, I'll be right there with you."

"You promise?"

"I promise," he smiled at me, rubbing his thumb against my cheek. He brought his lips down to meet mine, giving me a soft kiss. When he pulled away he informed me, "before we leave, the Supreme Leader wishes to meet with you. While we're there it would probably be best if you refer to me as Kylo Ren as opposed to Ben."

I nodded, "do you think he'll be upset that we've started a relationship?"

"We'll just have to keep that little bit of information to ourselves now, won't we? And when we get back I challenge you to a lightsaber duel."

"You sure you want to do that again after last time?" I teased him, recalling my first and only victory against him.

"Oh trust me, I won't be letting you beat me again."

"That's what you think," I smiled, placing my lips upon his to give him a fleeting kiss. "Alright let's go meet that Supreme Leader of yours."

He shook his head at me as he put his mask back on and led me out of the training room. To be honest, I was quite nervous to meet the Supreme Leader. I feared that I would not be good enough for him and he would cause Ben to give up on me or that he would discover our relationship, thus bringing it to an end.

Ben opened the door to a large chamber, allowing me to enter before him. In the middle of the room sat a large holographic figure sitting in a throne. I must admit, he didn't look a thing like I had imagined. Despite the blue hue of the hologram, I could tell that he was a ghastly pale man who had clearly seen some action, his face twisted and marred beyond imagining.

In his presence, I felt myself surrounded by a dark force, even more so than usual, causing shivers to run up my spine. Ben motioned for me to follow him as he approached the figure, getting down on one knee before the hologram.

"Supreme Leader, I have brought my apprentice, (y/n)," Ben informed Snoke as I knelt down beside him.

"So this is the woman I have heard so much about," Snoke spoke as he leaned forward in his chair to get a better look at me. "Approach me, child."

I did as Snoke asked, being careful not to let him see into my mind. I had trained for so long to block out prying minds, I couldn't fail Ben now. Although it would only make Snoke suspicious, I couldn't risk him finding out how much I cared for my teacher.

"You are blocking me from reading your thoughts, why is that?" He asked searching me with his eyes.

"Kylo Ren has advised me not to let anyone into my mind, I figured that that would include you," I easily lied, sending a glance back at my teacher.

"Did he now? Quite wise of him, I will admit. But he seems to have forgotten just how powerful I am. Your walls may be strong, but I can penetrate them. I can see how deeply you care for your master here and I can see how deeply he cares for you. This love is a dangerous thing, I cannot have either of you being distracted."

"My lord, this is not a distraction-" Ben began to argue, stepping forward in order to shield me from Snoke's wrath.

"Silence!" Snoke cried out, something that was extremely powerful despite him being but a hologram. "I do not need to hear any pitiful explanations of how this will not affect your performance. I will let that be determined by your first mission."

"Supreme Leader, with no offense, this is (y/n)'s first mission. She deserves at least two missions before you decide whether or not-"

"Do you not think that you have trained well enough for this simple task?" Snoke questioned, raising his eyebrow at him.

"No, she will be able to do it, Supreme Leader, and our love will not get in the way. If anything this love will only make us stronger, now we have two things to fight for: the First Order and for each other."

"Be careful Kylo Ren, you know that a dangerous time for her, when she will be tempted by the light side of the force. Considering the conflict that still remains with in you, I wouldn't be surprised if your apprentice is tempted by the weaker side as well."

"She will not be swayed, Supreme Leader. She has grown strong with the dark side and has resisted the light on numerous occasions. I have complete faith her, she will not be turned."

"We shall see," Snoke warned as the hologram began to disappear. "We shall see."


I hope that you're all enjoying this story, let me know how you feel in the comments! And don't worry, you guys will be getting some more action soon!

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