Chapter XII

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Your POV:
I looked at Ben, afraid that my dream was about to come true. Before I had thought the mission a success, I was able to obtain the information we had come for with ease and had even allowed myself to indulge in our prisoner's misery. But now all hell was breaking loose, gunshots sounding from outside the house.

"Well, I suppose it's time to show these people what fighting skills you have obtained," Ben spoke to me, igniting his lightsaber and leading me outside of the house.

I followed him, adrenaline kicking into my veins. I felt a swelling desire to take out as many villagers as I could in order to lessen the chances of Ben getting shot and my nightmare coming true. Fueled by the image of the one I loved lying dead on the ground, I marched into battle, slaughtering any villager in my path.

Beside me, Ben fought with equal ferocity, twirling his lightsaber around with ease. I could tell that he kept shooting glances over at me to make sure I was not in any danger, something that warmed my heart to know that he was looking out for me. I did the same for him, wiping out or force freezing any villager I could that tried to attack him.

The battle wasn't one that was hard to win, soon we had the few remaining villagers cornered and was about to shoot them when we started being shot at from the sky. Ben pulled me closer to him, shielding me from the debris that was kicked up as the result of the shots.

"Resistance fighters!" I heard some trooper call out, causing me to roll my eyes. Just what we needed, someone to state the obvious.

"Sir, what would you like us to do?" Captain Phasma asked Ben as the troopers began trying to shoot down the ships.

"This battle is not a necessary one to fight, we have what we need," Ben replied, glancing at me. "Let's get out of here before anymore ships come."

Ben and I returned to the shuttle with the remaining members of the JL unit. I couldn't tell how many stormtroopers had fallen in battle, but it was clearly a reminder of how expendable they were. The shuttle left the planet with two tie fighters flanking either side to provide protection.

As soon as the coordinates were made, the shuttle jumped to light speed and we had successfully escaped without going down in the bullet storm that surrounded us. The shuttle landed on the Star Destroyer and only moments later the remaining trooper ships landed in the hanger as well.

Ben did not speak to me, but instead stormed over to Captain Phasma, who was dealing with the confusion that the sudden retreat had brought upon her soldiers. I followed him in confusion, wondering what it was he needed to speak to Phasma about.

"Phasma, what part of neutralizing the village did your troops not understand?!" He roared angrily, though I couldn't quite understand why he was so upset, the mission had been a success anyway. "Had your men actually done their job, then perhaps we wouldn't have had to retreat!"

"Sir, we had gathered up all of the villagers, but there must have been some who remained hidden, arming themselves with weapons," Phasma replied, seeming just as upset about it.

"You're lucky this oversight didn't have more serious repercussions," Ben growled in response, turning from my former leader and gesturing for me to follow. As we walked, he turned to me, "you must deliver what you saw to the Supreme Leader. Hux will meet us there so that we can formulate our next moves. You did get what we needed, correct?"

"You ask that question of me now?" I laughed at him, knowing how screwed he would be should I have failed my mission.

"Just checking," he smirked in response, placing his hand on my shoulder as we turned down the corridor that led to the room used for conferencing with Snoke.

Hux was indeed waiting for us when we arrived, as was the Supreme Leader in his holographic form. Ben and I each took a knee before the leader, before he requested that we rise.

"(Y/N), I assume that you have knowledge of where the new Resistance base is located?" The Supreme Leader asked me and I took a step towards him.

"Yes, master, they have relocated to the mineral planet of Crait. But according to Diruno, Skywalker and the girl are not with them. The planet they are on goes by the name of Ahch-To, it may be in the uncharted regions, but I have seen a map leading straight to them. This will be the end of the Resistance once and for all," I announced, feeling quite badass being able to deliver news that would bring about the end of an entire organization.

Snoke smirked and leaned a bit closer to me, "well done, (y/n), it seems that Kylo's training has not been a complete failure. But, we cannot send the two of you to this unknown planet based on the thoughts of a Resistance spy. General Hux, prepare an attack on the planet Crait, if that information turns out to be accurate then I will send the two of you to take care of the last Jedi. But General, I expect you to carefully plan this attack, I will not have you rushing into this one. If all goes as planned, this could indeed be the very end of the Resistance."

The holographic figure disappeared and Ben and I left the room without a word to Hux. I followed him blindly, not quite sure what Ben wanted me to do now that our mission was over. For some reason, he led me into the training room and I almost groaned, not feeling ready to get back to training. The adrenaline I had received during the mission was dying away and I was left with pure exhaustion as well as the pain of where I was nicked by bullets or debris.

As soon as we got in the room, Ben wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a passionate kiss, "I was so afraid I was going to lose you."

"You don't need to worry, Ben, I'll always be there for you," I assured him, placing my hand on his cheek.

"Let me see those injuries," he spoke tenderly.

"They're really not that bad," I replied, noticing the pain in his eyes.

"You weren't supposed to get hurt," he muttered, wiping a bit of blood from my forehead.

"Ben, this is war, someone has to get hurt. How about you, did you get hurt at all?"

"Just a few scratches, the same as you. Go back to your room and all I have a med droid stop by to close those wounds."

I nodded, following his instructions, despite not wanting to have to leave him. But I knew better than to disobey his orders so I made my way to the cold room that I called home. It wasn't long before the med droid arrived, immediately taking away any pain I felt and giving me some nutrition to make up the energy I had expended.

"Thank you," I spoke as the droid left the room, but received no response back. I sighed and stood from my seat on the bed, hanging up my cloak in the closet and removed my tattered shirt.

"It seems I've come in at just the right time," I heard Ben comment as he walked into my room.

"You know most people will knock before entering a woman's room," I replied, rolling my eyes at him.

He pulled me in by my waist and spoke in my ear, "well I'm not most people, am I?"

"No, you're not Ben," I smiled at him, tracing his jawline with my finger. "You certainly aren't."

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