Chapter XIV

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Your POV:
"They have an uncharted back way out," I sighed, watching as transports began to leave the base. "Why didn't Hux listen to me?!"

Calm down, (y/n), it's going to be alright. We have ships surrounding the planet, we'll take them out, Ben assured me as we continued watching the battle.

Clearly not, I commented as those ships were fired upon, but were able to jump into lightspeed before sustaining any serious injuries. There were a few transports that went down, but it was by no means the massacre that we were hoping for.

I could tell Ben was getting irritated by the amount of ships getting through and he ordered, "bring this ship down there, now."

"But sir, they are still fighting," the pilot argued.

"Do I look like I'll go down in such a pitiful fight?! Now do as I say!" Ben roared in response, not liking when people underestimated him.

The pilot did as Ben wished, knowing that the other option he had was to be killed by Ben's anger. The fighting had all but died down, the last of the explosions in the trenches going off as we landed. There were still a number of tie fighters battling the Resistance X-Wings in the air, but the ground battle was completed. Stormtroopers ran into the base to search for anyone left behind, with orders to only stun them so that Ben and I could take them to be interrogated.

"Check to see if any of those bodies are still alive," Ben requested of the stormtroopers assigned to us as we passed the trenches.

Leaving them to their job, Ben and I walked into the abandoned base, searching the remnants for anyone still alive. Seeming to know exactly where to go, Ben began almost running down the hallways of the abandoned base, finding the tunnel that was apparently the back way out.

We arrived in the hanger just as the final transport was taking off and I could tell that Ben was enraged that we hadn't arrived a minute earlier. I didn't understand what I was so important about that final transport as we had watched many others escape our grasp moments earlier and he hadn't gotten so worked up.

"Ben, don't worry, we'll get them another time," I assured him. "Now lets look for any survivors so we can confirm the information we have on Skywalker."

"That transport contained General Organa, (y/n). She is one of the crucial members of the Resistance, without her their hope will eventually die out," Ben informed me, watching as it disappeared into the sky, protected by the remaining X-wings.

"How did you know she was on that particular one?" I questioned as we walked back through the base.

"She's my mother, (y/n), her force signature is very familiar to me," Ben explained, spitting out the word mother with much distaste.

"Sir, we have checked the base and it seems no one was left behind," a stormtrooper informed us. "But there were three fighters left in the trenches who were unconscious."

"Get them aboard the ships and have them delivered to the interrogation rooms for (y/n) and I to question them," Ben ordered, making his way out of the abandoned base with me following close behind.

By the time we had gotten back to the Finalizer, one of our prisoners had died, but the other two were recovering. They were given some medical attention to insure that they would be able to survive interrogation and while we waiting for them to awaken, we had a meeting with Hux and Snoke to discus our next move.

"Quiet!" We heard Snoke roar as we entered the room, informing us that we had walked into Hux being scolded. "If the First Order is incapable of launching a successful attack on the Resistance after weeks of planning under your command, it might be time to find a new General."

"Supreme leader, how were we supposed to know that there was a back way out? Besides, the invasion wasn't entirely a failure, we managed to wipe out about half of their forces. Now they are weaker than ever and easier targets," Hux replied and I could sense his terror from across the room.

"General, I am quite sure that (y/n) mentioned that there was a back way out long before you launched this attack," Ben started speaking and I knew there was a smug look on his face beneath the mask. "But you knew that listening to her would only complicate the mission, so instead you took the easy way out and look where that has left us."

"Perhaps you could have done more for the attack if you thought it was so weak," Hux glared at Ben. "But no, you and your apprentice decided to wait off on the sidelines until you could swoop in and take all of the credit for a successful attack."

"Kylo Ren and his apprentice cannot waste their time fighting the Resistance scum, they are needed for much larger matters. Once they have wiped out Skywalker and his apprentice, then you may use them in whatever battles you desire, General," Snoke interrupted from the hologram, making his disappointment in Hux's command quite clear. "Now we must continue pursuing the Resistance in other ways. They are dwindling in numbers and perhaps the loss of their Jedi will help reduce the galaxy's hope in them. Without that, they will have no allies and will merely be an isolated group of rebels to be picked off one by one until the entire galaxy is firmly within our grasps. Kylo Ren and (y/n), conduct your interviews and report back what you discover. The end of he Resistance is near, I can sense it."

The hologram disappeared and we were left in an awkward silence. Ben was the first to decide to leave, he and Hux sharing a look of mutual hatred. I followed Ben out, knowing better than to stay and be picked apart by Hux, who no doubt that I was Ben's useless little pet. But that didn't bother me, I had risen from the rank of stormtrooper to Kylo Ren's apprentice and that success was enough to make me feel needed.


See what happens when Hux doesn't listen to you? I hope that you enjoyed this chapter, please leave a comment with any thoughts about this story so far!

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