Chapter XIII

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Your POV:
It had been over four weeks since I had interrogated Orion Diruno and we were just getting the opportunity to attack the new Resistance base. I knew that Hux wanted to make sure everything was perfect, but the length of time seemed a bit extreme.

The first week, we sent droids to investigate the planet, trying to detect any forms of life on the planet. Unfortunately, there were other species we knew of on the planet, but based on the amount of life forms we were able to figure out exactly where the Resistance had set up base.

The next week we were able to get layouts of their new base, discovering that there was only one way in or out. I tried to point out that there had to be another way of escape, otherwise they wouldn't have set up there, but no one listened to me, except for Ben who agreed.

The next two weeks were spent planning the exact offensive that we were going to mount, from the ground troops to ships awaiting anyone trying to escape into space. The Resistance seemed completely trapped, the end of their organization was near.

After the first wave of stormtroopers, Ben and I were going to visit the planet, searching for any survivors. If we found them, they would be taken back as prisoner and then interrogated in order to back up the information we had on Skywalker and Rey. Once their location was confirmed, Ben and I would prepare for our attack against the remaining two Jedi.

I was shaken awake the morning of the attack by Ben, awaking from my deep slumber in his bed. It had become almost routine for one of us to sleep in the others room, every now and then determined by how exhausted we were after indulging in passion and the other times simply because sleeping in each other's arms was the most at peace we could ever feel.

"(Y/N), you might want to go get dressed for the mission today," Ben spoke as he woke me.

I groaned and rolled onto my side, "can't you just lie with me for a bit and I'll just go in the nude?"

"As much as I wouldn't mind spending a bit more time, I will not be letting anyone except for me see your gorgeous body," Ben replied, giving me a gentle kiss.

I sighed, "why did I have to fall in love with such a greedy man?"

Even though I wanted nothing more than to go back under the covers and get a bit more sleep, I got up from the bed and went into Ben's bathroom to take a shower. While I was washing up, Ben went into my room to get my uniform and left it on the counter in the bathroom. After getting dressed, I quickly dried my hair then when out into Ben's room to walk with him to his shuttle.

When we arrived, the stormtroopers were given the signal to start their invasion. Ben and I watched the ships leave the hangar and that same nervous tension in my stomach that I had my first mission returned to me. Although Ben was trying to keep me out of battles, I was still painfully aware of the dangers that we could face even after the invasion was complete.

Ignoring the squadron that would be riding with Ben and I in his shuttle, Ben boarded his ship with me following close behind. In the middle of the ship, we had set up a holographic outline of the battle so that we could know when it would be best for us to depart. We watched in silence as the stormtrooper's transports landed and the battle began.


Cyan Thaxton's POV:
Alarms blared throughout the base, signaling a First Order invasion. Chaos was erupting, but General Leia tried to keep everyone calm. I had to admire how collected she remained in the face of danger, perhaps it was due to how many times she had found herself in the very same situation.

"Ground soldiers, we need you to go out to the trenches, pilots to your ships!" She cried out into our intercom system. "Everyone else, get the transports ready for evacuation. We need to hold them off to get enough time to escape!"

I picked up my blaster and made my way out to the trenches, finding a massive first order army on its way to attack our base. I wasn't quite sure how they managed to obtain our location, it certainly wouldn't be the first place anyone would check. I had just wished they had delayed the attack a bit longer, we had almost finished our own offensive against them. It was true that we were mostly stalling at the moment, waiting for Rey to finish up her training with Luke Skywalker so that we could help them take out Snoke, but we still wanted to issue a few offensives until that plan could be put into action.

As the AT-M6's and the ground troops pressed forward, I could have sworn that you could hear a pin drop out in the trenches. That silence was quickly broken as a wave of tie fighters swarmed into the area, kicking up the red soil in the process. Our X-Wings were there to meet them and the battle of afraid had begun.

We couldn't take out the heavily armored AT-M6's, but the X-Wings did their best while luring the fire of the tie fighters away from the trenches. Instead we focused on the stormtroopers who were marching forward, trying to infiltrate the base. With the amount of people moving and shots hitting the ground, it soon became difficult to see through the clouds of red soil.

Even with my limited vision, I could see the battering ram cannon be drawn out into the front lines, the First Order clearly determined to get inside the sealed base and kill as many of the leaders as they could. Knowing that it wouldn't be long before we were overwhelmed, we ground soldiers tried to hold them off long enough for as many people as possible to get safely onto transports and off of the planet to find a new base to set up.

Depending on how many losses we suffered today, I knew that the end of the war was nearing, soon we would launch our final attack to bring down the First Order once and for all. But in order to do that, we needed draw this battle out long enough for enough members to escape.

I didn't know how long we had been fighting before we heard General Leia's voice in our headsets, "ground soldiers, start coming back in and get into the last transport. The X-Wings will follow you and then we'll meet up on the planet-"

Her voice was cut short as an explosion rang through the trenches, knocking me backwards in the air. As I hit the hard ground, my vision went black.


I apologize with the delay in getting this chapter posted, I was having some problems in Wattpad and then my prewritten chapters disappeared and it was just a huge mess, but I think I've gotten it all sorted out so everything should be fine now! I hope that you've enjoyed this chapter

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