Chapter 14

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Perrie's Pov

 I don't know how to be a fucking mother! I can't change diapers, I'll get upset and probably kill the baby if they don't eat the food, I don't want to be thrown up on and I'll  never get to spend the time with Jade I need to. I don't know about this decision anymore. Maybe I said I was happy for Jade's sake. Maybe telling her would be a good idea. I walked out the bathroom, wiping my face and to Jade who was writing something in a book. She looked at me and smiled.

"Hi", Jade greeted.

I kissed her, "Hey, we need to talk."

"About what, exactly?"

"The baby."

Jade got in a comfortable position and I fiddled my hands. How am I supposed to say this?

"Umm, well, I don't really think I should be a mother nor we should be having kids...-."


"I mean, we've been dating for almost seven months and we're gonna have a kid. I don't even know how to take care of you well, you know how to and I don't really think we're really for all this...excitement?"

Jade stood up, "Excitement!?"


I stood up as well and she shook her head. Fuck.

"I thought you said we were going to take care of this baby together no matter what! What do you want me to do with it, kill it!?"

"No, now, you don't have to kill it...", I started.

"Even if we're going to learn how to take care of this baby! When it's the ninth month, it's gonna happen. I'm not setting it up for adoption or abortion, we're taking care of it!"

This isn't going the way I planned it to be. Jade is already mad because of the argument and her fist are balled up.

"You know what? I'm leaving. I'm going somewhere until you get your mind straight Perrie. Once you do, come look for me."

"Jade, don't do this", I convinced.

"I'm serious Perrie. I'm serious about all of this. Goodbye...for now."

She took her jacket then left the room. I picked up the lamp and threw it at the wall in anger, leaving a dent.


What did I do?


Jade is gone. She's gone because of my stupidity, my words, my thoughts. It's always the words that come out my mouth that hurt people. I need to work on that. I remember the time in ninth grade, I told a girl to kill herself 'cause she said the exact same thing to some girl that did it. The next day, everyone in the school found  out she was in the hospital 'cause she tried to kill herself. I didn't know how to feel that day. Everything is my fault I guess. That's why I left Jade the last time because I hurt her too many times. Noe it's her that left me. I called her once more but it went to her voice mail. I sighed.

"Uh, hey Jade, this might be that five hundredth time I'm calling you but I want to say sorry. Please come back to the hotel and we can talk about this? Uh..yeah, I love you, bye."

She hasn't responded to my texts either. I don't know where she'll head off to. The paps noticed her in a couple of places but I don't know where the place is exactly. I need to call her again. So I did. My phone buzzed after a while until someone picked up.

"Oh my god, Jade! You answered. Look, I'm really sorry about what I said. Can we please meet up somewhere and talk about it? I love you so much, please?"

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