Chapter 11

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Levi's P.O.V.

Sweet baby Jesus. What did I just watch. Eren, oh god. He lost control, Lucifer had informed me when he was done. Ravialle whimpered, he kept making low whine-like noises. But, Eren should not be calm. Much less stable.

"Lucifer, what's wrong with him." I whispered out loud, stroking Eren's hair as he slept in my lap.

"I don't know Master Levi. He should be having a break down, going crazy. Wait..." he stopped, suddenly getting quiet, too quiet. "Sweet mother of death. He, he is stuck in his own mind. Remaking his own bliss. He is so, broken. We, we have to do something."

"What the hell are we supposed to do?!" I whisper yelled at him as he paced.

"Satan, come forth, demon of death and rage!" Yelled Lucifer.

"Rrrgaahh!!" Eren rolled a way from me, landing on his back. He began shaking, trembling, and screaming. Suddenly Satan sat up out of his body.

"What the actual fuck is wrong with you, Lucifer." Grunted Satan. Lucifer shrugged. "What? No sarcastic bitch back?" Chided Satan.

"Satan. Knock your childish bullshit off. This is serious." Snapped Lucifer.

"Damn. Who pissed in your cheerios?" Chuckled Satan, showing off white teeth with black fangs.

"I. Said. Knock. It. OFF!!" Yelled Lucifer, growling and slamming Satan's head into the floor with a silver tail.

"Damn, okay. What is it." He asked, rubbing his head, wincing when he touched blackened blood.

"Second Master Eren is trapping himself in his head, making a fake scene of bliss from past memories. If we don't get him back in,  hmm, 72 hours or 4 days, he will be stuck there and eventually destroy himself, from the inside out." He said, his tail flicking as he bit his lip in thought.

"I have an idea. It's gonna take 2 hours at most. If it doesn't work, which it won't, we will have a Plan B. Provided by you, Lucifer and Levi. Okay? I will need your help with this one, Lucifer." Satan said, his tail flicking and curling.

Lucifer only have a grunt. Then Satan looked at me. He seemed to be in thought then grumbled something I didn't hear.

"Okay, listen Second Master Levi, I need you to lay Eren somewhere where he won't be harmed and won't harm anyone else. It does not have to be indoors or out, just somewhere safe. Okay?" He said, looking me in the eyes with a dead serious face.

Gulping, I nodded and got up, carrying Eren's small frame on my back. Satan and Lucifer nodded to each other then disappeared.

"Hiya, Levi!" Chirped a little voice. I jumped and nearly dropped Eren. I jerked my head to the left, where I heard the voice from. A small, inu looking boy sat on my shoulder.

"Uh, who or what are you?" I asked, continuing to walk cautiously.

"I'm Grisha, silly goose." Giggled the little boy.

"No. Grisha is a wolf. Not a small human with ears and a tail." I said, walking out and turning towards the ocean-forest line.

"Yes I am! Want me to prove it Mister!?" He screamed slightly.

"Yeah!" I yelled back. We got to a big rock and the small boy jumped onto it. He got on all fours and began growling. At first nothing happened, then the growling got louder and deeper. He got bigger and furrier. A muzzle formed, then paws.

"Oh. My. God. You were right, hello Grisha." I breathed. He turned back and jumped into my shoulder. I set Eren on the rock then sat down.

"I can do it too!!" Yelled a little voice right by my ear.

"Sweet mother of-!!!!" I screamed then fell off the rock.

"Ah! Levi!!! I'm sorry!!" The little voice hiccuped.

"Who was that!?" I yelled, looking around. I then spotted the two little figures sitting by Eren's shoes.

"Its me Levi! Ravialle!" The small, dark haired, pale boy announced proudly.

"Oh, uh, hello." I said back.

"Satan and Luci are gonna be back any second now." Mumbled Grisha, playing with a strand of hair.

"Don't call him that! He's gonna get mad and you know it." Warned Ravialle. Grisha shrugged and played with a pebble.

"Hello, everyone." Grunted a low voice. It was Satan and Lucifer, another tall figure talking behind them, a black silk sack ties around it's head, arms bound by red ropes.

"Let's get the party started." Chuckled Satan. He walked to Eren, putting a silver metal muzzle-mask on him. Titan dropped from a tree and nodded. The new demon was forced to kneel, being held by Lucifer and Titan.

"Ready to see how a demon is put into someone's mind, by force?" Asked Satan. I gulped and stayed quiet.

"Shall we begin?" I gave a low hiss as it started. This is gonna be hard.



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