"Wow! Look at this babe guys come around!" the guy devilishly spoke with hiccuping a lot that getting his two other friends started to mess with my hair and put their arm around me "N-no um.. P-please stop this is uncomfortable-" I responded "what? No! w-we can let a hottie left alone~" one of the guys said as he drank bottle smirking at me "let go off me please!" I shouted as I hit the guys on me off then one of them who got hit grabbed me "what did you say to me?!"

He clamoured out with anger I could see the red glowing from his eyes "I SAID LET GO!!" I then stomped on his toe and elbowed him to the ground running over to see that everyone in my crew saw what just happened "hahah you're out numbered!" Lex shouted harshly at them but then they all smirked as more of their friends come in which was like A LOT more..they then start to fight as lex then gets up and jumps on the table then one of the head of the goons and tackles down another goon also from the other gang.

then after rainy then punches a goon down having a powerful blast with her punch she then gets hit by a goon upset she then grabs that one's hand and spins the goon around the throwing it at the other goons like bowling knocking them all out "HAHAHAHAHAH I GOT A STRIKE" she whooped loudly I then see gaby first runs at one using her thighs and jumps real high then slamming down and putting the goon's head between her thighs that meet the ground "wowie you neck looks broken! Sucker.. " wait guys... we don't have to fight please-" I spoke softly

She cheered but then had gotten a knife thrown at her and scarring her cheek "GABY!" I shouted in worry but then I just see her then sighed and slided kicked the guy then breaking a chair and taking its leg and hitting the guy with it until it looks like he can't move because Gaby then used her anger on it as a guy behind and in front tackle rain "Oh hellllllllllllllll no" Gaby slurs as she then gets a another chair leg and pushes them off giving rain the over chair leg she has

"Thanks gaby now let's kick ass"Rain responded then both Rain and Gaby are back to back ready for the goons to attack them as the goons charge rain and Gaby fight them off like a zombie riot group and easily hitting them down enough for them to look dead or passed out they left Rain and Gaby with bruises "guys.. Please stop I don't want you guys to get hurt.."and marks and cuts. Then look to go over and help Rain and Gaby somehow and then see Nic is defending them the best they can as he just hits the goons with books like a ninja star which somehow works "hey my aim is on POINT!" Nic deemed doing a cool pose! Well somewhat cool anyways, but as everyone else is still fighting i wanted it to.. S t o p it feels... reminds me of something.. But i c a n t r e m e m b e r w h a t. But i want it to.. S t o p. I feel a pain in my heart I want them to stop fighting.. now..I don't want anyone else getting hurt i feel tears wanting to come up but they don't as i've ran out of tears "GUYS STOP FIGHT THAT'S ENOUGH!" I cried out I would help but drop for feeling so weak for some odd reason not knowing why, I then look to see everyone stopped and put all of their stuff down even the other gang they were fighting I then see a big guy with it looked to be with a hook for a hand and had red hair and a beard "Ahhh lex good to see you agai-" He chirped happily but then saw all of his crew on the ground, this must be their captain.. But how do he know lex.. "Wait who the seadog are you?!" Gaby asked then walking up to him confused "Oh I'm Richard Hanks! But please call me Captain Hanks" he greeted answering Gaby's question "wait... if you're him.. YOU WERE THE ONES ABOUT THE ONES LEX SAID TO TRADE WITH?!" pan realized, everyone went wide eyed and looked at each other "then why were they acting weird towards Celine?!" Rain spoke annoyed brushing her colorful hair out of her face "well you see we had some win before we went here because we won our 100th ship battle this year so we wanted to celebrate i guys we couldn't control ourselves.." one of the guys replied "plus we didn't get any clues on what the captain looked like we only got the name.." he commented "WHAT DID YOU THIS LEX WAS A BOY NAME?!" Lex remarked at Captain Hanks "heeheh my bad should of told you guys i guess.." Captain Hank chuckled "YA THINK" everyone else screeched but the stopping as everyone started to pick up the chairs and tables and bottles cleaning the place up I helped with the tables same as Pan "that was crazy.." Pan muttered under her breath "no.. kidding" I goofed in response as i finish then helped pick up the bottles "so.. What's your real name is.. Celine right?" Pan gestures to me "yep.. Your's is Pan right?" I replied back "ding ding ding we have a winner!!" Pan joked i did a little giggle after then finishing to pick up the bottles to see the other captain, and both crews, and lex start to walk where our ship was "where are they going i pointed outside from the glass to Pan as she looks over "their probably putting their trade in and then we trade in ours.." she told me as we both started walking out of the tavern to the ships it looks like they just finished their trade and are waiting for me and pan, when me and pan get their everyone then walks tiredly to their areas "NOW WE GO OFF TO...ROLAND MOUNTAINS!!" Lex cheered delighted into her office as pan then came out from talking to lex for a few minutes then went up to the birds nest as the wind danced with her hair " OK RAIN! LET'S START HEADING OFF! OFF TO FIND NEW MEMBERS!" Pan roared as we then we then put up the Bridge and as soon as i started walking down to change we were off! Wait new members?! I sure hope i there is then i wouldn't be the newbie anymore on the ship! Also I'll have new friends! I can't wait!

Ok everyone have a great day and a warmful hug i hope you enjoyed byeee! <3

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