Chapter 1

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They both locked lips. It started to rain, but they didn't care.

 It started to rain, but they didn't care

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Ariana's POV

I can't wait to go to school so I can get bullied again. I wore my oversized pink sweater and my white thigh high boots. I brushed my teeth, then I put my hair in a high ponytail and did my makeup.

I ate my breakfast. I then walked up to my parents and peck their cheeks before leaving. I got in my car and drive to school.

I walk through the halls of school. I was walking to my locker when I heard a voice.

"Hey bitch, you have my homework?" Justin asked.

My heart dropped. I forgot to do his homework. I was too busy doing my own homework.

"I-I d-didn't d-do it. I f-forgot." I stuttered nervously.

"You fucking bitch. You're going to fail me." Justin spat.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled.

"You have any money?" He says, walking closer and closer to me.

"N-no." I said.

"Stupid bitch. You better give me $20 tomorrow." He says, pushing me into the lockers.

I wanted to cry, but I had to stay strong. He's never seen me cry before. Everyone looked at us, but no one ever stands up for me.

"Oh, as much as I hate to say this, but you're invited to my party tonight. The only reason I'm inviting you is because you have to clean up all the shit after the party." Justin says.

I nervously nodded. He glares at me for a moment. Justin then leaves. I sighed and went to the bathroom. I stood in front of the mirror and started to silently cry.

I wipe my tears away and grabbed my makeup bag. I fixed my makeup. I can't let anyone know I was crying.

I leave the bathroom and went to my locker. I set my stuff in there and closed my locker. I sighed again and looked around.

Everyone was so happy. Everyone was always laughing and smiling. No one was ever crying or angry. The only angry person I've ever met is Justin. Everyone seems to have a friend(s) but I don't have any.

As much as I hate to say this about my bully, he's really attractive. I can't believe someone so attractive can hurt people's feelings.

The bell rung and I headed to class. I sat down at my seat and put all my stuff out.

"Get out of my seat." Justin says.

"But this is my assigned seat." I said.

"Go." He says.

I sighed and gathered my stuff. I went to the back of the room and sat at his usual seat. I sighed.

The teacher entered the room with a stack of papers. The teacher explained to us what we were doing.

"Ariana, may you help me pass out the papers?" The teacher asked.

"Sure." I said.

I walked by Justin and he trips me. I fall down and everyone laughs. The teacher glared at Justin.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to." Justin says.

"Not." He mumbled, making his friends laugh.

I went up to the front of the room in embarrassment and grabbed the papers. I passed out the papers and I got to Justin.

"I'm not doing this." Justin says.

"Well, you have to." I said.

"I'm not doing this!" Justin accidentally yells.

"Justin!" The teacher yells.

"Sorry." He mumbled. "Not really." He whispered.

I gave him the paper and he finally accepted it.

The day went by as usual. It was finally lunch time. I grabbed my lunch and Justin walks up to me.

"Hey, give me your lunch." He says, shoving at me.

"Get your own." I said, having the guts to give him attitude.

"You do what I tell you to do. I'm more relevant than you and I deserve lunch. You didn't give me my money this morning. You don't have to eat. You're already anorexic. You're so small." He says.

I hold back on my tears. "No."

"What'd you say?"

"I said NO." I said.

He yanks my lunch tray away from me and kicked my knee. Everyone laughs. I limped over to the bathroom and started crying.

I leave the bathroom and Justin pops out from the corner.

"Hey, do my homework too.. or else." He says.

I nodded nervously.

He hands over the homework.

It was soon the end of the day and I rushed out of school before Justin could reach me.

"Hey mom

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"Hey mom." I said, smiling fakely.

"Hey sweetheart. How was your day?" She smiled.

"It was... good. I got invited to a party." I said.

I wasn't good at all. I would tell my parents but they'd never believe me. I was always happy at home and everywhere besides school.

"That's good. When's the party?" Mom asked.

"I don't know. I'll just go at 7." I said.

"Okay. Stay safe hun. Your dad and I are going on a date at 5:00." Mom says.

"Oh, have fun." I smiled before going upstairs.

I went to my room and laid down. I thought of what Justin did to me today. Why wouldn't anybody stand up for me? They're such fake people.

I have stood up for myself many times but he still doesn't give a shit. Maybe he'll give a flying shit if he sees my cry. But I doubt it.

He probably thinks I'm unbothered by him making fun of me, that's why he bullies me. But why would he bully me? I never done anything to upset him.

I grabbed Justin's homework and did it to pass time by.

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