Phoenix drop pack|•|Chapter 1|•|

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3rd person
Luna walked outside her den with a large grin on her face. She was pregnant with a little wolf pup. Alpha Forest walked out next to her and smiled. He was going to be a dad.

-•-Time Skip(4 year later)-•-

Luna lay on her bed with her pup next to her. Alpha Forest came in and sat next to the bed.

Forest- How is our little pup doing!
Luna- Aphmau is doing great!
Forest- Wonderful!

Aphmau was a cute little pup with some purple patches.

She was a carefree, wild, rascally pup

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She was a carefree, wild, rascally pup. Luna wanted Aphmau to become more leader-like, because she will become the next Alpha after Luna and Forest die. But, Aphmau is still a pup, so she doesn't know much about the world.

Aphmau's POV
I just turned 4! My friends Kawaii~Chan

Aphmau's POVI just turned 4! My friends Kawaii~Chan

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and Lucinda

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and Lucinda

came to my den and we went out to the field nearby where we played together

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came to my den and we went out to the field nearby where we played together. We had so much fun running, jumping around and playing hide and seek! It was an amazing day! When I went back to my den, my parents were waiting. They had stern faces, and when I looked into my moms eyes, I saw a scared wolf, but on the outside, she looked as strong as ever.

Luna- Aphmau, there is something we must tell you.
Forest- I will be telling the pack tommorow, but you need to know now.
Aphmau- Uhh, ok. What is it?
Luna- I know that you don't know a lot about the world, but you are very educated in the packs nearby.
Forest- And you know about the traveling packs.
Aphmau- Yeah...why?
Forest- Because the worst traveling pack ever, Starlight, has come into our area.
Aphmau- What! But, but, you said they stay away from here!
Luna- They were supposed too, but, they came back. Panete, the pack at the end of the woods, spotted their hunting wolves.
Aphmau- Wha-What can we do?
Forest- Keep them away from you and the pups!

The thoughts raced around in my head. Starlight is the most feared and dangerous pack! Why did they come to our forest! Every forest/woods has its own set of packs that either get along and prosper, or don't get along and fight for food and territory. Our woods gets along fine, and we protect each other, Starlight on the other hand, don't get along and, they are rumored to have killed whole packs! Oh no, I hope they don't come to our pack!

-•-Time skip-•-
Today my dad is going to announce to the pack that Starlight is in the area. I called my friends over to my den so I could tell them. They were just as surprised as me that Starlight is in the area. We all started howling and barking in fear. My mom came in and quieted us down so that the pack doesn't get scared. Katelyn was the bravest of us, so she wasn't scared of Starlight.

Katelyn- I will take down Starlight with my bare paws!
Lucinda- Oh come on Katelyn! Aren't you a bit scared? I am a strong pup, but even I know that Starlight is bad news!
KC- I am scared! Starlight has killed packs before, I don't want our pack, Phoenix drop to be next!
Aphmau- No one is going to die, we are the top priority in this pack. We will be protected!
Katelyn- And, if all else fails, you have me to protect you!

We talked about the Starlight pack while my dad made the announcement outside to the pack. About 1/2 way through out conversation, we heard howling and barking, but we still continued to chat.

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