46 - Closure

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My friends and family reminded me when I ended my relationship they considered I was brave and had courage. It gave me strength to know I was doing the right thing and losing my mother was linked to it all. It was a chain reaction and once it started, it wasn't able to stop and I am on a journey.

My friends have been amazing this year, and the wheel has turned slightly to whom I spend time with and who I don't but that's fine; who knows where it will stop next.

I always believe the key to happiness is appreciating what you have. I sleep well at night, my conscience is clear and I do the best I can to treat others how I wish to be treated.

The rest is in the lap of the gods. Take me for who I am flawed, honest but real and I will do the same.

I'll see where chance takes me.

hope you like the videos, they were meant to be a bit of fun.

Nice chatting to you, everyone, this is me signing off for now...I'd love to hear your thoughts and if you enjoyed this book and think it should be featured...please pass it on :-) That's my dream as this book means a lot to me. Thanks for sharing this time with me. It means a great deal to me...as my Wattpad friends are my tribe. Deep thanks.

Kimberley S B Lieb

If you liked this chapter please do vote (please hit the star) and if you have time to comment that would mean so much to me, as your feedback inspires me and I thrive on feedback.

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Many thanks, Kimberley S B Lieb

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