"Hello" I bow

"Hi, my name is Seokjin but call me Jin"

"Hey, my name is Namjoon but call me RM"

"whats up, my name is Yoongi but call me Suga"

" HIIII, my name is Hoseok but call my J-Hope, because your my hope, I'm your hope"

"yo, my name is Jimin"

Well fuck now I have to remember their names

Everyone then went to the living room and sat down. They took the beers out of the bag and started handing them around.

" so Jungkook tell us where are you from?" Jin hyung asks me while handing me a beer

" I'm from Busan" I say staring at the beer bottle

" oh hey Jiminie here is also from Busan" RM hyung points at Jimin hyung

" I was born in Busan first" Jimin hyung says which made everyone chuckle


Once they handed me the beer I started drinking it. Things kept popping in my head about him. I wanted to forget him yet still those memories well more like nightmares kept replaying in my head.

The only way at this moment to stop that is to drink.

While everyone was getting to know Jungkook I decided to go to the kitchen. I saw Suga Oppa there just sitting on the counter

" hey Oppa" I wave at him

" oh hey Y/N what are you doing here?" He shuts off his phone clearly hiding something.

" what are you hiding?" I say looking at his phone

" no-nothing" he then cursed under his breathe

" is it a girl?" I smirk and he stays quiet.

" awwwww oppa has a crush" I smirk

" more like a girlfriend" I then spit out my beer causing it to go all over the floor

" what!" My eyes widen

" shhh be quiet, nobody knows except you" he covers my mouth with his hand. But I take his hand off

" you should tell them, you can't hide it for too long" I say while cleaning my mouth

" I know..... but when should I tell them?" He looks at me

" tonight" I smile

" ahh I don't think I'm ready" he looks at his hands. I've never seen him this soft ever since I met him

" what's her name?" I ask

" Hana....." he then smiles

" she's really done something to you." I chuckled

" she has my heart" he said

" aw that's cute.... nowwww let's tell the rest" I pull on his arm not giving him enough time to react.

We got to the living room and everyone is laughing but stopped once they saw us.

" Suga oppa has something to say" I say

" I uhhh" he starts

" he has a girlfriend" I say, everyone is room starts screaming


J-Hope hyung was jumping around the place and screaming.

RM hyung was too hyper he dropped his beer and it broke. Jin hyung was then helping RM clean up.

Jimin oppa was laughing that his eyes disappeared.

Taehyung oppa has his rectangular smile.

Then Jungkook-ssi he had a different smile, it reminded me of something..... oooo a bunny! He has a bunny smile.

" you see they are happy for you Oppa" I look back at Suga oppa and he has a huge smile on his face.

After almost ruining the apartment everyone calmed down.

While everyone was going crazy I got so many beers and took them to the kitchen. I was already on my 6th beer and I can barely keep my balance

Jungkook's POV

" we have to meet her" everyone says except Y/N, where is she?

" I'll be back, I'm going to get some water" I say and stand up. I walk to the kitchen and see Y/N and many beers next to her.

I haven't even finished my first one, wow.

" Y/N?" I say calmly trying not to scare her

" ohhh heyy der kook *hiccup* ie" She says drunkly.

" why are you drinking so much" I walk closer to her

" to forget about the *hiccup* past kookie" she smiles

Kookie..... the nickname only one person called me and I allowed it. Nobody can call me that besides her....

" Y/N don't call me that" I shake my head and look down

" what? Kookie?" I looked up and She had a smirk on her face

" stop, don't call me that" I say with a serious tone

" Kookie Kookie Kookie KOOKIE!" She says, I've had enough. I don't want to hear that nickname... it's all too much today

" I'm leaving" I start walking towards the door and I leave. I know it's a childish thing to do but I couldn't just be there and think about the past again

Coffee Boy// J.JK Where stories live. Discover now