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Weeks passed by since the incident, and Joshua and Jeonghan were back together. Joshua, being the sensitive and forgiving person he was, accepted Jeonghan's love once again, since he couldn't bare to see the person he still loved crying and suffering.

And although the older was happy they were back together there was still an empty feeling, not only in his house, but in his heart. Chan had left without a word. Since that night he hadn't heard nor seen Chan anywhere. He'd looked for him everywhere and for a long time, just like Seungcheol had, but none of them was lucky.

Jeonghan got yelled at by Seungkwan and Seungcheol was beat up by Mingyu, who had to be pulled away from the older by his three friends.

As all of this happened Chan was at Hansol's house, sprawled on the bed, crying himself back to sleep whenever he woke up. The boy started to concern Hansol's parents as well, as they knew there was another boy in the house, but they never saw him nor did they hear anything besides sobs inside the locked door.

"The both of them came looking for you, you know." Hansol said, sitting beside the boy, while petting his head.

"I assumed they would... What did you guys do?" Chan asked.

Everytime the younger spoke Hansol's heart ached. It was so much weaker... There was no emotion present whatsoever when the boy spoke.

"Well, Seungkwan lectured Jeonghan and Mingyu beat up Seungcheol." Vernon told the younger, whose eyes instantly widened.

"He beat up Seungcheol!?" Chan exclaimed.

The boy's reaction sadened Hansol. This had been the first emotion he expressed in weeks, besides sadness, and it was out of worry for someone who had cheated on him and made him suffer.

"You have to stop feeling like that towards him. You know we won't let you go back to him, right?" Hansol asked and Chan just nodded.

Hansol sighed. He was starting to get desperate about his friend. There was nothing anyone could do, this was a battle between Chan and himself, and it was taking far too long.

"Come on Chan, let's go out." Hansol told the younger and pat his back.

"What? But I don't want to." Chan replied.

"Come one! We're going to the arcade, we can stop for ice cream and we'll also bring back come snacks!" Hansol said, excitedly.

Although Chan didn't want to, he couldn't say no to his best friend, who was this excited to go out once again.

Chan stood up, with a groan, and walked to the bathroom to take a shower, while Hansol cheered.

The shower was quick, and the boy dressed a black oversized hoodie with some jeans that were no longer skinny on him.

They walked to the arcade in silence, although Hansol tried starting a conversation Chan would never cooperate a lot, leaving Hansol talking to himself. Once they arrived their destination, it was like Chan was a copletely different person. The racing games and FPS' brought back Chan's memories of him and Hansol pulling all nighters just to play, which made him forget about all of his problems, as he smiled away his wins against his best friend.

Hansol spotted a game machine with the name "HALO" above it.

"Look Chan! They have Halo!" Hansol said and pointed at the vintage game machine.

Chan instantly looked its way and smiled, his eyes shining.

"Let's go play!" Chan said and grabbed Hansol's wrist, while dragging him along.

Hansol smiled at the younger's happiness. He hadn't seen his friend like this in a long time. This smile suddenly dropped when the man who was previously playing the game stood up and turned around, to leave.

"Chan let's go." Hansol said desperately, and tried to turn the boy around, but Chan resisted.

"What? No hyung, I want to play!" Chan objected and kept walking forward, whilst looking back at his friend.

As the boy wasn't looking where he was going he bumped into someone.

"Oh sor-" His apology was cut off by a gasp that came from him, once he looked up to meet the eyes of the "stranger".

"Seungcheol..." Chan whispered, with widened eyes, upon realizing who stood in front of him.

His pitch black hair covered nearly half of his eyes, his skin looked paler, unlike the skin underneath his eyes, that created heavy dark circles, and he looked extremely skinny. There was no expression in the man's face, besides his widened eyes and the single tear that rolled down his cheek.

"Chan..." Seungcheol whispered.

Chan quickly turned around, his breathing growing noticeably quicker, as he started walking away. Seungcheol took no time to grab his wrist, preventing the younger from running away.

"Chan please! I've missed you so much!" Seungcheol cried.

Chan abruptly turned around and shook the older's hand away. His teeth were clenched and his eyes were shining, as tears covered their surface.

  "It didn't have to be this way. You brought this onto yourself." Chan said, in the calmest way he could, to prevent from causing a scene.

  "Chan it was a mistake! Please come back, I'll never be able to love anyone like I love you!" Seungcheol confessed, tears streaming down his face.

   While Chan was barely an adult, Seungcheol was already walking towards the middle of his life as one. He had a house, a job... All that was left was a partner, and Seungcheol knew he wouldn't fall in love with many people after this. With anyone, as a matter of a fact, because he already knew what it was like to date the perfect person, and to everyone that was to come next, he would compare them to Chan.

   "I hate you! I won't ever be with you again!" Chan yelled, painfully holding back his tears.

   Seungcheol grabbed Chan's shoulders and pulled him in for a kiss, which Chan tried to run away from. He was only set free from the older after pushing him away harshly.

   "Fuck off Seungcheol! I hate you!" Chan yelled, finally letting the tears fall.

   He then turned around and sprinted off to somewhere.

   "Nice one Romeo. Do you know what it took to get him out of the house?" Hansol spat at the older while staring him in the eye, before storming off, leaving Seungcheol standing there, not being able to think straight.

The man walked home, silently, his gaze fixed on the floor. The home where he spent the next two days in, not being able to process what happened. He was confused. Did he really kiss Jeonghan? Why would he kiss Jeonghan? Maybe it was all a dream... He continuously checked his phone, waiting for the number saved as 'Love Of My Life ❤️' to text him again. He didn't go to work, and even if he did, it would be no good. He couldn't take his mind off of what Chan said.

"Fuck off! I hate you!"

These words echoed through his head for every minute his eyes were open. The hateful and hurt voice yelling said profanities was what stung the most. His lips burned, after Chan denied his kiss, for the very first time.

By the end of the third day Seungcheol stood up, and reached for the phone. His thin fingers quickly typed a familiar phone number, and he then proceeded to press the call button.

"Hello?" The manly voice asked on the other side.

"Hey, Junhui. It's Seungcheol." The man introduced.

"Seungcheol? How have you been? You sound weak man..." Junhui worriedly asked.

"Yeah I've been better... Listen, I need a big favour."

   A/N: I had already posted this but wattpad was fucking up for me wtf

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