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[This is NOT a new chapter, but I had to re-upload this once more because some absolute degenerate started spoiling shit in the comments. Don't spoil anything, it's not worth it 'cause I'll do the same for every chapter if I need to, have a nice day.]

  Seungcheol sat down at the table, waiting for Chan.

"Are you sure it's not too soon?" Seungcheol asked his friend, and Soonyoung shook his head no.

"He loves you as much as it's humanly possible. He can't live without you. He might be young, but he's not stupid and if any and everyone can see how much he loves you, he sure can too." Soonyoung reassured.

"Thank you." The older thanked and Soomyoung shot him a smile.

"Oh, here he comes! Good luck!" The younger said and he left the table, with a pat on Seungcheol's back.

Seungcheol stood up to greet his boyfriend.

"Hello pretty baby, and how are we feeling tonight?" Seungcheol greeted with a fancy voice, while bowing slightly.

Chan giggled at his boyfriend's dorkyness.

"I'm doing just fine, and yourself?" Chan replied, in the same tone.

They both laughed and shared a kiss, before sitting down by the table.

"We have quite a night ahead of us." Seungcheol told his boyfriend and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Is that so? What are we going to do?" Chan asked curiously.

"It's a surprise!" Seungcheol announced.

Chan started whining, until a plate was put in front of him.

"Oh sorry we haven't ordered yet this must-" Chan was cut off when he saw what was on the plate.

He looked up at Seungcheol with watery eyes.

"Our first meal together..." The younger said, as he recalled what Seungcheol had ordered him for the very first time.

Seungcheol nodded.

"Ah my little sensitive man, don't cry... If you melt like this over meat by the end of the night you're going to flood Korea!" Seungcheol exclaimed, reaching for the younger's face to clean up his tears with his thumb

"Shut up!" Chan complained with a smile, excited for what was to come.

The couple never talked much during meals, since the both of them liked to focus on enjoying the meal.

After they were done, the boys didn't stick around to chat. The couple walked hand in hand to an unknown destination do Chan. Upon a couple minutes of walking, both boys stopped in front of an ice cream stand, where Seungcheol ordered two cones.

The boys started walking, still hand in hand, but this time Seungcheol wouldn't stop staring at Chan.

"What?" Chan asked.

"What do you mean what !? Do you not remember these ice creams!?" Seungcheol exclaimed, a little upset.

Chan took a good look at the ice creams, and at the ice cream stand.

"Ah! Our first time! It happened after you messed up your shirt with ice cream!" Chan said and laughed.

"Yeah... Do you know I kept that shirt with the stain?" Seungcheol told Chan.

"Really? You're a weird old man..." The younger commented.

"Hey!" Seungcheol yelled and they both laughed.

Suddenly the older stopped.

"What's the matter Cheol?" Chan asked.

"This is our last stop today."

Chan looked up, and admired the beautifully lit tower.

"Let's go in?" Seungcheol asked.

He put his hand out for Chan to take, which he did, and they went up the whole tower.

Once they were up there the couple admired the city.

"It's so beautiful..." Chan said.

Seungcheol looked down at the boy.

"Yes, it is beautiful." Seungcheol agreed, although he wasn't looking at the view.

Seungcheol checked the time. Ten minutes until midnight.

"You can do this!" Seungcheol said, as to hype himself up.

He let out a deep breath, and, a couple seconds later Seungcheol called for his boyfriend.

"Channie? I need to talk to you." Seungcheol said.

Chan looked at Seungcheol, worriedly.

"Did something happen?" The younger asked.

"Actually yes. I did all of this today, because... I can't be your boyfriend anymore."

Chan's face went pale, his expression darkened and he had tears brimming in his eyes.

"You're my best friend, the only person I have ever loved this much, you are the only thing I want in my life and I can't live without you, that's why I don't want you as my boyfriend, I want you as my husband instead."

Seungcheol got on one knee, and opened a tiny velvet bordeaux box.

"Lee Chan, would you make me the happiest man in the world and give me the honour of being my husband?" Seungcheol finally asked.

Chan was full on crying tears of joy.

"Yes!" He screamed, wearing the biggest smile.

He stretched out his hand, and Seungcheol put the beautiful ring on his fiancé's finger. Chan admired the gorgeous white gold ring, that had silver edges and a stripe of diamonds along it, before jumping to Seungcheol's arms and kissing him passionately.

Suddenly, fireworks were heard.

The couple broke the kiss and turned around, to admire the colourful fireworks.

"What an amazing coincidence!" Chan exclaimed, as Seungcheol wrapped his arm around his fiancé's waist.

Chan heard the older chuckle, and looked up at him.

"It's not a coincidence, is it?" The boy asked and Seungcheol shook his head no.

"I asked a friend of mine for a favour."

"What if I had said no?" The younger asked with a giggle.

"If you said no the fireworks wouldn't be the bigger problem." Seungcheol said and they both laughed.

"How could I ever say no to you?" Chan asked rhetorically, while admiring his new ring.

Cheesy. Sorry. Fluff isn't my cup of tea I have like 3 books based solely on smut

Fell For Sugar [ChanCheol Fanfiction]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя