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    "Fuck..." Chan groaned as Seungcheol's lips travelled down his chest .

   Looking up at Chan, Seungcheol bit the waisband of the younger's underwear.

   "What do you want princess?" Seungcheol asked seductively.

  "I want you... I want your mouth around my dick." Chan managed to say between pants. 

  Seungcheol brought Chan's boxers to his knees, them proceeding to pump his dick a couple of times before licking the tip.

   "Seungcheol please..." Chan moaned and Seungcheol obeyed, taking him whole in one go.

   Seungcheol bobbed his head, playing with his tongue around Chan's dick. Chan started thrusting into the older's mouth, and just when Seungcheol gagged for the first time...

   "Ah!" Chan moaned loudly and his eyes shot open.

  The younger boy sat up and looked around. A dream. Chan looked at his boxers, stained with cum.

  "Aw fuck..." The boy cursed looking at the unpleasant mess.

  It had been two days since they kissed in the car, and Chan hadn't talked to Seungcheol ever since, but he started having those dreams every time he sleept, every time he took a nap, and everytime he closed his eyes for seconds.

   Upon setting aside the dirty clothes Chan got in the shower, and started remembering the night he ran away from Seungcheol.

   Chan opened the door, entered the flat and closed the door in what looked like one movement only. He was faced with Jeonghan sitting on someone's lap. Upon seeing the boy by the door Jeonghan immediately got off the other boy's lap, his face flushing.

  "Chan I can expl-"

  "I honestly don't care." Chan said showing no interest in whatever was going on, as his mind was still thinking about his first kiss, that had just occured. 

  "Chan, did something happen? Did Seungcheol do something to you!?" Jeonghan asked, as he walked closer to Chan and examined the youger's state.

   His clothes were messy, just like his hair, and his lips looked swollen.

  "N-no. Just drop it hyung." Chan told Jeonghan and walked to his room, locking the door shut.

  Jeonghan knew when not to push it so he just let Chan go, and decided to give him time. 

  Chan got out of the shower and dried himself, then getting dressed. He headed towards the kitchen, where Jeonghan had prepared him breakfast.

   "Thanks." Chan mumbled as he sat down by the table.

  They ate silently until Chan spoke up.

   "I'm going to text Seungcheol today." He said.

   Chan told Jeonghan what had happened in the car the next morning, after his boy toy had left.

  "Just don't do something you'll regret Chan. That college isn't worth you being uncomfortable." Jeonghan said and Chan nodded.

   When they were both done Chan stood up and headed towards his bedroom, where he sat on the bed. The boy grabbed his phone and started typing.


  He wrote, then hitting the send button.

   On the other side Seungcheol was staring at his phone, shocked that the boy had texted him.

   Hello, I didn't expect you contacting me.

   Neither did I, but something kept telling me to.

  "Mostly those wet dreams." Chan thought while typing the last message.

  I want to apologize for being too rushed the other day.

  No, no it's okay, you're paying me to get your dick sucked, not for me to get comfortable... Can we meet later today?

  Loving the attittude, and of course. 3PM at the same place from before, how does that sound?

  Amazing, see you then.

  Chan put his phone away and anxiously waited for the time to come.

Fell For Sugar [ChanCheol Fanfiction]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz