Revealed Secret's (Part 4)

Start from the beginning

Naruto didn't look at her but looked towards me "why is she asking me, I never made that decision" he asked while rolling his eyes I smirked at him because I knew he was only messing around with her "hn" I replied playing along because obviously Sakura's mum doesn't know anything "Naru" I heard the Hokage sigh "yes jiji" Naruto answered trying to look innocent and succeeded causing me to have certain thoughts about him "why are we here Hokage-sama" Kakashi asked sounding annoyed which kind of shocked me and I think everyone else as well "actually you both weren't actually invited if you want to be logical" Naruto muttered but we all heard him Kakashi carried on like he didn't hear him "is this about my decision to drop Sakura from team 7, I made that decision because simply put your daughter is a disgrace, instead of worrying about keeping herself and her teammates alive, all she thinks about is how she looks and making ridiculous passes at Sasuke and quite frankly it doesn't matter if she is a girl or not she should have been able to go against me for longer than half an hour, which just proves that she's not cut out for the life of an ninja" he finished looked pissed, I looked at Naruto and saw his eyes widen a little seem to be just as surprised as me, he's never been this vocal about anything unless it's about one of his lectures

Naruto POV

I was quite stunned by what Kakashi had said, I've never heard him speak like that before even my dads journals mention how he was always distant but respectful and I'm sorry to say but that was not respectful at all I looked at Sasuke and he looked shocked as well which just proves my point "I quite agree" jiji said calmly he held his hand up to stop the bitch was talking "I've also looked into Sakura's academy records and what I found out was disappointing, how many of these tests results are actually yours Sakura" he asked firmly "erm all of them Hokage-sama" she answered nervously but everyone could tell she was lying "lying to me is not going to work and I can't let this go, as of this moment you will be released from being a genin and you will never be allowed to become a shinobi ever" he announced sternly, I can't really say that I'm surprised by that but instead of saying it out loud I simply nodded my head "your not surprised" I heard Sasuke asked while everyone was busy shouting at each other to really pay attention "no because I already knew what she was doing anyway but what concerns me is what else has the academy teachers lied about...." I paused again tilting my head, I was busy with my thoughts that I didn't realise that everyone was quiet and listening to me

"What do you mean" Sasuke questioned slowly "well remember when we first became genin, to officially get the title we had to pass the bell test" I stopped when he nodded his head "all the teachers at the academy gave you a false statement saying you were brilliant" at this I rolled my eyes "when you think about it you obviously weren't that good since you couldn't go against Hatake very well, so my concern is why lie about your skill in the first place" I concluded finally noticing how quiet the room was "what" I asked confused why everyone was staring at me "Naru, why didn't you tell someone what she was doing" the Hokage asked sadly with a knowing look in his eyes "simple they wouldn't believe me and it's not my fault that the teachers don't know they're jobs properly" I replied bluntly, not really caring if I was being too harsh "erm jiji are we needed here now because I would like to go and train for a bit before it gets too late" I asked wanting to leave this room and get some training in "yes you may go but don't over do it Naru" the Hokage answered smiling softly "when do I ever over do...then again don't answer that, bye jiji" I called over my shoulder before walking out the door "dobe wait" I heard Sasuke called after me I slowed my walking so he could catch up

"Why are you following me, I'm only going to train Sasuke" I asked slightly confused with his attitude since he's never acted like this before, he shrugged "I thought I could train with you since I've got nothing else to do" he replied I raised my eyebrow I'm not really bothered if he want's to train with me since I haven't had anyone to train with before.....well only counting the fox but I'm not going to tell him that "I don't mind the company" I said after a few minutes "at least this way it wont take you the nearly two years that Hatake said it would for you to be an Anbu" I smirked when I felt him glaring at me causing me to laugh, it was around midnight by the time we were finished and you could tell that Sasuke doesn't normally train for this long "how are you still alive with this training" he panted out "it's so not healthy" he complained, I looked at him and I noticed he was bright red "it's not like I was taught another way Sasuke, being on your own and with everyone hating you is really difficult to ask for help, so I just taught myself and if anyone says it's wrong well my answer will always be.....who was there to teach me the right way" I finished knowing that my way wasn't healthy but I had no one to help me change my ways

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