Wrong Decisions, Final Goodbyes and Mistaken Identities

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Jimin POV-

It's an early Monday morning at work and I just want to die. I'm am so close to just bursting into a flood of tears every time I see him walk past. He's been ignoring me all morning and he has a right to. I just want to say something to him. Anything...

"Morning!" I quickly say as Yoongi passes my desk.

He stops suddenly. He waits a few moments, fists clenched and body stiff. Oh no... He is gonna yell at me isn't he. He's obviously mad at me and I've probably just made it worse. To my surprise he stays silent. Yoongi gives a slow nod and quickly dashes into his office. Nothing. He said nothing. I'd rather he shout at me uncontrollably then not speak to me at all.

"Jimin what have you done?" I scold myself as I rub my face with my hands.

I'm not going to cry! I've already cried enough over him and my mistake. But it's too late now. I have to accept my decision and just move on. Well at least try to.

Yoongi POV-

"Yoongi Hyung? A-are you okay?" Hobi questions.

"Y-yeah I-I-I'm f-fine..." I croak, drying my tears with my sleeve. I haven't stopped crying since the night of our date. I don't know how I held them back when he spoke to me. Why did he even talk to me? He seemed so normal. Like nothing had happened between us. He seemed so... Unaffected. I couldn't even say anything back. I was frozen. I couldn't speak. So I just ran, ran into my office and cried for the millionth time over Park Jimin.

"You aren't fine!" Hobi states, coming towards me.

"Hoseok! I told you I am fine so I am." I say, pushing myself out of my chair. I walk to the window and stare at the life below. I feel a warm hand on my shoulder but I keep my eyes locked on the city outside.

"Hyung... He hurt you. I know it, you know it but you can't pretend he didn't. If you keep your feelings stored away you'll never get over this... You'll never get over him. I know he means a lot to you..."

"He means everything to me..." I sigh, still looking out.

"Do you love him?"

His question catches me off guard. I stiffen up but soon relax as he removes his hand from my shoulder.

"No..." I state, honestly.


"But I could and I probably will someday..." I sigh. I feel my body getting turned and I am suddenly facing Hobi.

"Yoongi... If he means that much to you you got to fight for him."

"He doesn't want me to..." I state as tears once again start to form in my eyes.

"But you still have..." Hobi starts but I cut him off.

"Hobi... Thank you but please just leave me alone for a little. I just need time to process everything, okay?" He gives a silent but unsure nod then begins to exit the room.

"Wait! Before you go, could you please leave this note on Jimin's desk for me?"

"You're still leaving him the notes?" Hobi questions.

"No...not anymore. This is the last one. It's saying goodbye."

"Oh..." Hobi says as he takes the note and leaves my office.

Jimin POV-

I'm walking back from lunch when I see someone putting something on my desk.
Wait! Could it be my mysterious note giver? I speed walk to my desk before he has a chance to leave. I finally reach my desk but he hasn't noticed me yet.

"Excuse me?" I ask. He jumps in fright and grabs his chest with his hand.

"Oh my god!" He breathes.

"Sorry! I just was wondering what you were putting on my desk?" His eyes widen and he looks down at the note then back to me.

"I-I u-h-h..."

"Are you him?"


"You are, aren't you? Oh my god! I can't believe I'm actually meeting you. You're Hoseok right?" I question. It has to be him! What else could explain why he was leaving a note on my desk? Plus he looks super nervous. He gives a quick nod but still stays silent.

"Well what have you written to me today?" I question teasingly as I pick up the note to read it.


"You deserve the world but I'm not the person that can give it to you. I just wanted you to know that my feelings are real and I really do care but I have to stop this thing that we have. Thank you for even being in a small part of my life. I'll never stop caring about you Park Jimin. Goodbye." I read aloud. I don't know what to say.

"But why?" I look up to stare into Hoseok's eyes.

"I-I'm sorry..." He sighs, looking down.

"No!" I say determined.

"No?" He looks up, confused.

"No! This isn't how it ends. You deserve a chance and I'm going to give it to you!"

"What? N-no..." He starts but I cut him off.

"Dinner. Tomorrow night. At that Italian restaurant on 35th street, Maria's Cucina. 6:30." I state, confidently.


"I'll see you then!" I say, walking to the elevator. It's already open so I step in, pressing the floor of the Reception.

"Jimin! Wait!" Hoseok yells, running towards the elevator.

"6:30!" I shout back as the doors shut.

What am I doing?


What about Yoongi?


Yeah oh!

It's fine! I'm fine. It's just a little distraction from all the drama.

Yeah the drama that WE caused.

Just leave me alone.

I can't because I am you idiot.

Shut up!

My conscience is messing with my head. I just want to not cry for one night. I just want to forget for one night. Why is that so bad?

Yayyyyyyyyyy! Another chapter done! Sorry the updates are soooo slow but they are coming. I know things are a little messy at the moment but I promise I have a plan for this all. Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter and as usual sorry for any spelling, grammatical or punctuation mistakes. That's all from me for now. Happy reading! :)

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