Infuriating Bosses, Troublesome Tasks and Mysterious Notes

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Jimin POV:

It's been a few days since the incident with Mr Min. After what happened I was questioning my feelings towards him but after these past couple days I know exactly how I feel.

I absolutely with all my heart hate, Min Yoongi. I do not know what I did to piss him off so much but he has been the biggest ass.

He has given me so much work the last few days and I've had to go home around midnight every single night. He gives me the most ridiculous jobs to do and now I am basically his personal assistant.

What's even worse is that through out it all he won't even look and or say anything to me. The only time he speaks to me is when he is ordering me to do something.

Basically I hate my life at the moment and it is all because of one man. My pain of a boss Min Yoongi.


I rush through the hallways of the office trying to get to Mr Min. I had to get him his stupid coffee but he only gave me a 5 minutes to get it. What a dick!

He knows it takes at least 10 minutes to get to the break room, make a coffee and get back to the main office floor. But no, I got half that time.

I finally make it to his personal office and quickly dash inside, completely out of breath.

"Your coffee sir." I utter, tiredly. He doesn't even turn around on his chair to say thank you. He just clicks his fingers and points to a place on his desk.

I angrily march to his desk and place his stupid coffee on the table. He swiftly swipes his hand in the air signalling me to leave.

I trudge out of his office and follow the pathway down to my own little cubical.
"Ughhhhhh!" I let out a frustrated groan.

I lie my head on my desk and fight the urge to start breaking everything around me. I slightly raise my head to find a yellow posted note on my stapler. I grab the random note and read it.

I know you're working really hard and you don't get enough appreciation. This may not help you at all but I just wanted to tell you that I think you're doing a great job. Keep up the amazing work because you're amazing. :)

It is extremely cheesy but I can't help but smile. This mysterious note has really made my day. This little gesture has given me some hope that maybe things will get better.

Authors note:
Hey everyone! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. It is honestly very small but includes very important events. As always sorry for any spelling or punctuation mistakes. Next chapter will either be up later this evening and or tomorrow. Happy reading. :)

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