Aching Hangovers, Blurry Memories and Interesting Tension

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Jimin POV:

Ughh my head hurts, my body aches, I have the strange taste of metal in my mouth and I can hardly move. Great..... I'm hungover. Why the hell do I have to be such a lightweight?? I had like two beers!!

I let out a groan and try to slowly open my eyes. When I do, I realise I'm not at home. I quickly sit up and look at my surroundings. Okay, I have certainly never been here before and if so I'd definitely remember it. This place is huge and is extremely fancy. I stare around the apartment in awe when something dawns upon me.

"Who lives here and why am I sleeping on their couch?" I quietly whisper.

I push myself off the couch to stand up and as soon as I do a wave of nausea hits me. Shit! I put a hand to my mouth and try to find a bathroom somewhere. I dash around the apartment like a headless chicken. I have to find a toilet or something FAST!

I finally open a door to a bathroom and hurry inside, not bothering to close the door behind me. I rapidly open the toilet lid and drop to my knees. Then it just all flows out. I did not know a human could vomit this much. It's like bloody Niagara Falls right now.

I puke for what seems like forever but eventually it stops. I let out a big breathe and rest beside the toilet bowl. As I finally start to calm down my breathing I hear someone clear their throat above me. I glance up to find my boss, Min Yoongi, standing above me dripping wet and only in a towel. Honestly the view is pretty good. Then the reality of the situation hits me.

"Jimin. Glad to see you're awake." He sarcastically exclaims. I awkwardly smile and get up off the floor.

"W-why a-are you h-here?" I slowly stutter, trying not to focus on the half naked man in front of me.

"I live here." He states nonchalantly. I nod my head slowly, slightly distracted by his bare chest.

"My eyes are up here Jimin." Mr Min says, lifting my chin up to face him.

"I know that! I wasn't even looking." I state, regaining my consciousness. Jimin calm down! The man in front of you is not some sexy stranger it is your cold-hearted boss.

"Ahh and he's back! Anyways please get out of my bathroom so I can change. I doubt you want to see me naked." He declares, pushing me out the door.

"That's what you think..." I unknowingly utter. I cover my mouth with my hands after the realisation of my last sentence.

"What was that?" He questions through the now closed door.

"N-nothing...nothing!" I voice, still shocked. Did I really just say that? Oh my god!

"Go to the kitchen, breakfast is there if you want it. Let me just get ready then I'll come out and explain why you're here. I doubt you remember much." He adds. I comply and swiftly rush into the kitchen.


I nervously munch on some pancakes as I wait for Mr Min's arrival. It was nice of him to make breakfast but that doesn't explain why I'm here.

I hear foot steps nearing the kitchen and I quickly avert my gaze to the kitchens entrance. He walks inside looking super hot. He is wearing tight black ripped jeans, a cute long sleeve striped shirt and converse shoes. Mr Min sure cleans up well. Wait...Snap out of it Jimin. He is still your annoying boss, no matter how good he looks.

"Morning." He exclaims cheerfully.

"Uhh morning." I respond awkwardly. He nods at me then continues to the kitchen counter. He stays silent as he pours himself a cup of coffee.

"Umm so Mr Min why exactly am I here?" I finally question. He looks up at me with an expression I can't read. He places his coffee down then begins to speak.

"Well...when I went out to get a drink last night I found you wondering the streets outside the pub alone. I was just going to say hello when I witness you scream out 'FUCK YOU MIN YOONGI' which was accompanied by shooting your rude fingers up into the air. Honestly I found it quite amusing and tried to ask you about what was going on. After you tried to answer I realised you were completely drunk. So I took it upon myself to take care of you. Which was a pain I may add. So we are."

"Oh..." Is all I can pronounce. I don't really know how to respond to that.

"Yep, also please just call me Yoongi." He states, picking up his coffee cup and taking a sip.

"But...what you..." I mumble defeated. It was really nice of him to do that but why would he?

"You are very welcome." He says with a gummy smile. Aww! I never noticed he had such a sweet smile. NO! Jimin no.

"I still have one question though." I voice, moving closer.

"Mm?" He hums.

"Why would you help me? I thought you hated me."

"I-I do." He stutters unconvincingly.

"I don't believe you." I retort with a smirk.

"Well it's true. It was an extreme hassle taking care of you. I'm just generally a nice person." He claims stepping closer.

"Yeah right." I express, rolling my eyes.

"It's true." He moves even closer.

"Really now?" I slide close enough so that our chests are touching.

"Really!" He confirms leaning towards me. I let out a little snicker when he suddenly grabs my waist and pulls me in towards him.

"I definitely hate you." He whispers.
"I hate you more." I utter wanting nothing more than to press my lips to his.

I oddly have the feeling of his lips imbedded in my memory although we've never kissed. We both lean in ready for something unexpected.

Our lips are about to touch....

Authors note:
Ooooo cliff hanger!! Haha sorry about not posting in a while. My posting may be more unscheduled because I'm back at school. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Sorry for any spelling or punctuation mistakes. Next chapter will hopefully be up soon. Happy reading! :)

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