Sweet dreams, Annoying Roomates and My Mean Boss

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Jimin POV:

I'm strolling through the park when I see a figure at the end of the pathway. It's him! The man of my dreams, my one true love. He begins to slowly turn around and I am about to see his face. Finally! I see the corner of his eye....
What? Who's calling my name?
"Park Jimin!"
Who is that? I quickly search around but I see nobody.

"Jimin! For goodness sake wake up!" My roommate Taehyung screams in my face once again.

"Alright, alright Tae." I groan, pushing him away.

"Good! And again I told you to call me V!"

"Just because Jungkook calls you that doesn't mean I will." I sigh as I rub my face.

"Excuse you! He gave me that nickname personally." Tae swoons, walking towards my bedroom door.

"Tae, it's not a nickname. He just doesn't know what your actual name is but you are to busy drooling to correct him!" I explain, pushing myself out of bed.

He gasps, "He does know my name! And I am NOT drooling. He is just a very good looking man and I appreciate that."

"Yeah sure whatever." I roll my eyes as I walk past him.

"It's true! What about you and Mr Min huh!?!" He questions, rushing after me. My face naturally contorts at the mention of HIS name.

"Don't you even compare how you see Jungkook to how I see Mr Min. Jungkook is hot whereas Mr Min looks like a thumb." I state, strolling into the kitchen. I grab a bowl and some cereal then turn towards the fridge.

"Admit it! You have the hots for Mr Min." Tae exclaims.

"I do not have the hots for Mr Min. I don't even like him as a boss let alone anything else." I respond as I grab the milk out of the fridge.

"You have to admit though he is pretty good looking and he is super nice, well at least to me he is. Also you guys flirt like ALL the time."

"That's because he wants to get into your pants also he is not good looking. Not even in the slightest and he is not nice either. Also that is not flirting. That is me kindly trying to tell him I hate him." I say as I pour the milk into the bowl.

"Kindly? And you know you want him Jimin." Tae states.

"Tae, I do not want him. Not as a friend, a boss and especially not anything else. I hate him and you already know that. He is rude to me and to others. Grumpy 100% of the time and always picks on those beneath him." I explain frustrated, pushing the bowl towards Tae.

"Okay... Whatever you say. Thanks by the way." Tae says, shoving a spoonful of cereal into his mouth.

"It's all good and hurry up. We are gonna be late if you eat slow." I exclaim walking into my room.

Authors note:
Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this little story. Probably not going to be very good and have a lot of spelling and punctuation errors. Apologies in advance. I will be updating hopefully every few days. Also other ships are included in this fan fiction, so sorry if you don't ship the same people. Anyways, that's all. Thanks for reading👌🏼😋

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