The Unexpected Chapter 2

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The Unexpected

Chapter 2

I had just finished cleaning up the bathroom when the doorbell rang. I ran down the stairs of my house, almost tripping, and opened up the front door. There I saw two EMT's with a stretcher. I let them come into my house and led them to my living room where Eli was laying on the couch, while my mother tried relaxing him, while I think she needs someone to relax her. Both of the men picked up Eli onto the stretcher. My mom and I decided that I will go in the ambulance with Eli and she will drive the car, since I can't drive yet.

Several minutes later we arrived at the hospital being pushed into the emergency room. The look on my brother's face looked like a scared little boy who can't find his mommy in a huge department store. I was just as scared and worried as he was.

Less than two minutes later a doctor walked in and asked me politely to leave so he could run some tests on Eli. I left, without starting a fight, finding my mother wandering around the hall looking for room 263, the room my brother was in. My mother and I hugged each other as if all our worries were gone, but they still were there. We didn't know what to do!

We waited patiently, which felt like 7 hours but in reality was only 45 minutes, until a nurse finally came out telling us that the doctor will be with us shortly. We waited another few minutes and the doctor came out to talk to us. He took us to his office and he pointed at 2 chairs, signaling my mother and I to sit down.

"How is he?", my mother asked.

"I'm so sorry but your son is having a relapse. His leukemia is back."


"What do u mean his leukemia is back?", my mother asked.

"I'm sorry but it's true, his leukemia is back.. He has an abnormal increase in white-", the doctor started saying until my mother cut him off.

"Yeah, we've heard this before, maybe a million times by different doctors but why? How did this happen?"

"Ms. Clark, cancer just happens. It's not something you make happen, it just happens. And I'm very sorry that it had to happen to your son. I'm truly sorry."

"But he's going to be fine, right? He's my son, he's very strong. He went through this before so he knows how it's going to be. He's going to be alright, he has to be."

"I'm sorry but the cancer has spread. Last time we caught it before it was to late. I'm sorry but it's too late now."

"What do you mean it's to late? It's never to late. Please schedule him an appointment for chemotherapy, I want him to start right away. He has to live. He just has too."

"Okay, we will do the best we can. Once again, I am so sorry." And with that he walked out of his office leaving my mother and I alone.

"What are you thinking?", I asked my mom.

"That my only son has to come through. He needs to live. I need him in my life and I need you too. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have my children.", she looked up at the ceiling and said, "Please god, send us a miracle. Let Eli fight his leukemia once again and finish with it for good."


We both left his office and went outside my brothers room, trying to make our appearance look as if we just didn't cry. After what seemed like 3 minutes, we walked into the room. My brother's face was very pale and he looked sick. He looked so helpless. I held back the tears as my mother and I walked towards his bed.

"So, what did the doctor say mom?", Eli asked.

My mom didn't answer. I don't blame her! How does she tell her own son that his leukemia is back?!

"Mom? What did he say?", Eli repeated himself once again.

I saw my mom holding back the tears that wanted to fall down her cheeks as she finally answered him.

"Honey, well, the doctor said that the leukemia is back. I'm so sorry sweety, I never wanted this to happen to you! But don't worry, your going to start chemotherapy as soon as possible and everything will be fine." And then she started hysterical crying and I couldn't help myself but to start crying too. We haven't cried this much since last time my brother got sick.

"Shhh, guys it's okay! I'm going to pull through just like I did last time!", Eli said.

Oh god, I hope so.

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