The Unexpected Chapter 3

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The Unexpected

Chapter 3

*Hayden's P.O.V.*

Two days later, after my brothers incident, I decided to start school. It's not like I'll be any help to my brother since the doctor said he should stay in the hospital for a while.

I woke up at 6:30 and jumped into a quick shower. My mother has took a leave of absence from her job so she could stay with my brother all day in the hospital, so she was still sleeping. I got out of the shower at 6:45 and I was really excited to finally start school!

I opened my closet looking for something to wear. I looked through all my clothes and finally found something to put on. I ended up wearing a red and white stripped shirt, a pair of black skinny jeans, and black flats. I quickly put on my heart pendant necklace that my father gave me and I left my house.

School wasn't that far from my house, so I was able to walk. As I was walking, so many thought were flooding my head. What do I expect on my first day of high school in a brand new school? Will people be nice to me? Will I make any friends? Well I guess I need to find out!


I walked up to the school doors with butterflies in my stomach. Woah, what a huge school! My school back in New Jersey wasn't even close to being this big. Hmmm, if I could only find the main office!

Room 2A, room 2B, room 3B... Ouch! Suddenly I fell flat onto the floor.

"Here let me help you", a voice said.

I opened my eyes to see a gorgeous boy around my age kneeing on the floor with his hand out, obviously for me to take it. I took it and he helped me up. He had sky blue eyes and brown shiny gorgeous hair. He was wearing a tight fitted shirt showing off his gorgeous tanned muscles, blue faded out jeans, and converse sneakers. He smiled at me and showed off his gorgeous set of perfectly white straight teeth. He was one of the cutesr guys I've ever seen.

Oh boy, he could probably tell I'm staring because I suddenly tuned back into reality hearing him say, "Hello?"

"Sorry", I started saying, "Thanks for helping me up, my names-"

"Hey sweetie, I missed you at Dean's party last weekend!", a squeaky girl voice called out.

She was wearing a tight shirt that showed off half of her cleavage, a short hot pink mini skirt, and high heels. She looked exposed.

"I had a couple of things I had to take care of.", he replied.

"Oh, well that's alright, there's always more parties to come", she said giving him a wink, "Oh, and who's this?", she said pointing at me.

"Hi, I'm Hayden! I'm a freshman here, I just moved here from New Jer-"

"Funny, 'cause all I remember asking for was a name hunny, not your life story.", she said.

Well she's not to friendly.

"Katie, be nice.", the gorgeous guy said.

"Whatever, I'll see you in lunch.", she said before giving him a kiss and then she walked away.

"Sorry about her, she could be a little.."

"Bitchy?", I said finishing his line.

"Yea, that.", and he flashed me another one of his gorgeous smiles, "Well anyways my names Nicholas, but everyone calls me Nick, and I'm sorry for bumping into you like that."

"Oh it's ok, by any chance do you know where the main office is?", I asked.

"Yea, I'm a sophomore here so I know my way around", he chuckled as did I, "It's right over there."

He pointed to a room that said Main Office. Well aren't I stupid for not realizing that one.

"Oh oops, guess I didn't realize that there.", and we both chuckled. Ah, does he have a gorgeous smile or what? Ok Hayden stop dreaming, he has a girlfriend already! Well duh, he is gorgeous!

"Okay, well I guess I'll see you around.", I said.

"Oh, I hope so.". he said smiling..

I smiled and then walked away towards the main office.


"Good morning Ms. Clark, I'm Mrs. Gradely, your principal here at West Union High(actually a real school in Ohio! I checked it up, lol). I spoke to your mother yesterday and she told me the reason you've missed the first couple days of school. I just want to let you know that if you ever need anybody to talk to, we have an amazing guidance counselor working here, her names Mrs. Andrews."

Ah boy do I hate it when people have pity on me. Don't have pity on me, have pity on my sick brother!

I just smiled and politely said thank you. Don't get me wrong, she seems very nice but I just hate it when people have pity on me.

"Ok, well her is your schedule and I hope you have a good year here at West Union High! Mrs. Murray, my secretary will show you to your first class."

"Thank you", I replied.

I walked out of her office looking for Mrs. Murray. I finally found a women around her 40s rummaging through some files. "Hi, I'm looking for a Mrs. Murray?", I asked.

"Well that would be me.", she smiled.

"Hi, my names Hayden. I'm new here. Mrs. Gradely asked if you could please show me to my first class, please."

"Of course I will! Follow me.", she said.

She took me down the halls and I couldn't stop staring at this school. It was huge! We finally got to my first class, which according to my schedule would be Algebra. Mrs. Murray knocked on the door twice and then opened it up.

"Good morning Mr. Gordon, you have a new student joining your class. Her names Hayden."

"Hello Hayden," he said smiling, "you may take a seat in the back."

I did so and Sitting two seats ahead of me I noticed Nick. Wait, didn't he say he was a sophomore? Eh, I'll just ask him about that later. Uch, I hate math! It's definitely my worst subject. I love all my other subjects, just not this...

------------------------30 MINUTES LATER------------------

The bell rang and I only had three more periods till lunch. Next period is science so I needed to find my locker to get my science book. Walking down the hall was definitely awkward, especially not knowing anyone. I made it to locker 626, my locker. I entered the combination code Mrs. Gradely gave me and it opened. I pulled out my science book and closed it again.

Next to my locker was a young girl. She had dirty blonde hair and green eyes. She was very thing and was wearing skinny jeans, a white tank top and a black cardigan. She was very pretty. She was looking for something in her looker.

"Hi, my names Hayden.", I said smiling at my attempt to make a friend.

She looked up at me and smiled back, "Hey, my names Hope. Nice to meet you.", she said back.

"What grade are you in?", I asked.

"I'm a freshman, and you?"

"Same!", I said smiling.

"That's good, I needed a friend here! I don't know anyone!", she said and we both chuckled.

"Same here!", I replied.

Then the bell rang motioning us to get to our classes, and we were off. Well I guess today wont be that bad after all.

Please vote an comment! It would mean so much to me! Also please read my best friends story, her names MysticDreams. Thanks!!! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2010 ⏰

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