Chapter 17 - Assuage

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Superman rushed as quickly as he could, flying through Gotham's night sky with haste. He called Batman multiple times, but he did not answer a single call. Immediately, Superman knew something was wrong. So, he abandoned the chaos in Metropolis and left for Gotham as quickly as possible. He soared over cities, eyes cast downward to scan for any sort of life. Batman or Robin. Anyone. He turned on the GPS function of their communicators but the system malfunctioned and hardly gave Superman an idea where Batman was.

The wind continued to glide through his hair and down his back. He looked at rooftops and used his x-ray vision to scan through the top few floors. Although the GPS was busted, it indicated that Batman was very high above sea level. Superman hoped his efforts were enough.


Superman hesitated a moment before rushing down to the rooftop of Wayne Enterprises. A man lay on the ground, Superman could see the blood and recognized Bruce's shag hair. He listened for a breath, even a heart beat.

"Bruce, answer me."

Superman knelt beside the billionaire, moving his fingers to check for a pulse. He struggled to find one.

Quickly, Superman picked up Bruce in his hands and took off into the air. He needed to get Bruce to a hospital- anywhere. He looked down at Bruce's paled skin and flattened hair. Blood had seeped to his sides and began to trickle down Superman's body as he flew.

"Alfred," Superman said into his communicator, "Bruce was shot. I'm taking him to the hospital here."

"Good Heavens, what happened? Is he okay?"

Superman swallowed, "We are at Gotham Hospital. Get here when you can and... notify the Justice League what happened."


Superman touched down at the doors to the hospital and ran into the lobby, "I need help!" He called out. The lobby was empty. Not a soul was in sight. The dimensions had recently come back together, Superman pondered, the hospital staff may have all abandoned their hospital amidst the chaos. Superman clutched Bruce tighter to himself. He needed help immediately.

"Anyone!" He bellowed.

A few moments later, hurried footsteps down the hall, "I'm here!" A woman came down the hall, black hair tied back and glasses on the tip of her nose. Her cheeks were red with fluster and breathing slightly labored. At the sight of Superman, she stood back in awe for a moment before turning to the man in Superman's arms and the blood running down them.

"I need help," Superman spoke urgently, "Bruce Wayne was shot and needs attention immediately."

She stumbled, "I-I can help but I'm the only one available. My team is busy and everyone else left when all the children disappeared. Get him into Operating Room A quickly. I will be there shortly."

Superman nodded before sprinting down the hall. Bruce still remained lifeless in his arms, slumping against his crested chest. Superman's mind moved a mile a minute. What would happen if Bruce couldn't be helped? Superman shook the thought and stared helplessly as the doctor began to evaluate Bruce's condition. He needed to notify the Justice League quickly. Once the chaos was controlled worldwide, they all needed to be here.

"Can't you call anyone else to help?"

"My staff will come when they can but a lot of people need our help."

Superman put a hand to his head, "Is there anything I can do?"

She never answered him. Once Bruce was attached to the machinery in the room, Superman stared at the screen. Bruce had a heartbeat, but a weak one. Surely they didn't have much time to waste.

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