Chapter 11: Shadows

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October 27, 2012

{00:05 EST}

The skies were a dark black, coated in a thick smog which prevented the slim glow of the stars to touch down and caress the dark night. Buildings in Gotham city were much larger than the ones in Happy Harbor. Dogs barked in a ravenous chorus and sirens roared in the distance. Surprisingly, there were barely any cars treading the broken streets, and few were scene scurrying back to their dilapidated apartments in a hurry.

Crime riddled streets were now abandoned as though the entire city knew not to mess with Batman. They sky was free of any batsignals and crime rate was at an ultimate low for the dark city.

Kid Flash s restless. He bounced eagerly in his chair, his emerald eyes transfixed on the ominous city slower coming into view. Why was it taking so long to get there? They were wasting precious time by taking so long to even reach Gotham. By now, he could have run to the city and back at least a dozen times. It would be quicker for him to just carry everyone one by one. Could the Bioship go any slower? Kid Flash was sure that the cars beneath them were traveling at least twice their current speed.

"Cut it out, Wally." Artemis said, gesturing to his leg shaking up and down rapidly. He muttered a quick apology and grabbed his knee with a firm hold. Wally mentally shook himself. He needed to calm down. Breathe. If he didn't get his act together, he would render completely useless in the search. This mission required team effort and complete precision. Under no circumstances could they be caught. It would alert Batman and the League of their presence, and could potentially push Dick's kidnapper to move as far away as possible.

Suddenly, the Bioship came to a halt. "We're here," M'gann said, "Gotham City. This is the drop off point."

The young heroes nodded, the four of them, without M'gann, rising out of their chairs and heading towards the center of the ship. Both Aqualad and Kid Flash had on their night suits, masquerading them with the shadows much better than their usual bright colors.

Aqualad cleared his throat and turned to Artemis, "Artemis, your job this mission is to observe from the skies with M'gann."

"Without Robin, I'm the one most qualified for not getting caught," Artemis said with a slight snarl, "I honestly don't understand why Superboy gets to go when he always rips his shirt and runs into battle."

"So?" Superboy barked back, "I can cover an entire city in the amount of time it takes you to do half!"

Aqualad ran a hand through his short hair, leaving his webbed fingers against the back of his neck, "We haven't got much time, Artemis. It's already been decided."

"What do you think Wally's for then, huh? We don't need Supes jumping building from building and leaving giant creators wherever he lands!" Artemis argued back. Sportsmaster trained her for this sort of mission. Sneaking, sticking to the shadows, avoiding to be caught at all costs. Superboy was a clumsy, angry moron. And Kaldur. What could he do that is so special? M'gann should be going in his place.

"Come to think of it," The blonde archer continued, glaring at Aqualad, "Why are you even going? Why are either of you going before M'gann when she can turn invisible! What can you do that's so special, Kaldur? Because you're team leader? Well, guess what! There is no team!"

Kid Flash put his hands up, "Guys, quit fighting, come on." He ordered, turning to Aqualad, "And Kal, she's right. Arty was trained for this type of mission, and I have experience with it. M'gann can camouflage herself and never be seen. And Superboy is too loud and gets too angry, and, well, you are not trained for this mission."

"I have new orders, so everyone listen up," Kid Flash continued, feeling a positive energy and leading quality about his voice, "M'gann, I want you on streets. Constantly invisible, but patrol every street. And Artemis, you get the rooftops. Whenever you see a building of man of interest, you tell that to M'gann and investigate it. I'll be everywhere, checking anywhere I can. Superboy, you fly the Bioship and you patrol the skies. And Kaldur..." he hesitated and tried to work something together in his mind, "Go through the rivers and lake on the perimeter of the city. Check for anything suspicious on the docks or anywhere near the water. Understood?"

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