Chapter 15 - Misplaced

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Chapter 15

November 5th, 2012

{20:21 EST}

The chair squeaked as Bruce sat back on it in front of a large desk. The desk was expertly organized, even the paper clips were neatly placed in a small jar. He forced himself to return to work today. Although he craved to spend all his time in the Batcave, he could only put his life on hold for so long before people began asking questions and making assumptions about his whereabouts.

To ensure no one was trying to track his tail, Bruce returned from his "vacation" a day early. Locking himself down in the Batcave began to drive him mad. Even though Bruce had made a few small breakthroughs, he still was in no better of a place than he was four or five days ago. He had answers to all the wrong questions.

Questions had revolved around Bruce Wayne and Richard Grayson lately. Everyone was wondering where the billionaire had been hiding and asking why there were no parties or events to be heard of. Bruce rubbed his tired eyes. He was in no condition to be hosting any parties but he had to make an appearance at work to keep the press at bay. The news would surely get wind of Robin going missing sooner or later and Bruce couldn't allow anyone to make the connection between Dick and Robin.

Speaking of, Bruce sat uneasily. Dick's kidnapper knew their secret identities. Did he know the rest of the League's identities too? There was no way he would stop at just Batman and Robin.


Bruce cringed at the word. It sounded like poison. The man called Dick his apprentice. What could he be expecting to gain from this? Dick would never turn to a life of crime, there was absolutely no way Dick would be a criminal. Even though Dick was young and easily impressionable, there was no chance for the criminal to sway Dick's mind into thinking crime was even an option. His morals were too strong, they had to be.

During the time he had to himself, Bruce couldn't help but wonder what Dick was enduring. If the man expected Dick to be his apprentice then surely Dick would be training with the criminal. Bruce shook his head, he could scarcely imagine what rules or ideas the man was trying to drill into Dick's head. It forced a chill down his spine. He was desperate to know what was going on in Dick's head and even more determined to bring him back home.

"Mr. Wayne, you have a visitor."

His ears perked up, "Who?"

"Clark Kent of the Daily Planet."

Bruce rolled his eyes, "Send him up. Thank you." Bruce wasn't sure who he was expecting, but he definitely was not expecting Clark to visit him at work. A large piece of him had hoped that Dick would be the one visiting him at work like he had so many times in the past, but that was not the case this time.

It did not take long for the man to walk in through the doors, a grim look on his face. Clark walked across the office and took the seat on the opposite of Bruce's desk. Clark had a deep frown on his face and his forehead was wrinkled because his eyebrows were lowered over his eyes.



Clark glared at him, "You've been ignoring my messages."

"I've been busy."

"Busy?" Clark asked, getting annoyed, "You're never going to find Dick if you continue pushing everyone out. It's been two weeks! We have to collaborate, Bruce. I know for a fact you haven't been getting anywhere with your investigation. Is this the first time you've left the Batcave since I saw you last?"

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