first day of school

Start from the beginning

She handed us our schedule's and we were off.

"Ok I have Arianah in 1st block cause of band. I have Emme in 2nd block  witch is math. I have nobody in 3rd block which is history/science. And I have Savannah in 4th witch is English" I was talking out loud. I was with arianah and we walked in the band room. I had my bass and she had her flute.

"Ok class we have new players. Class this is arianah she plays the flute how about you fell us about your self." Our band teacher Mrs. Mcay said

" Well I'm Arianah I'm 13. I played the flute for 4 years now. I can play the bass guitar. And I'm the daughter of a rock star."

"OK Arianah you can have a seat next to Auden. Auden rase your hand."

The boy raised his hand and arianah sat down next to him.

"And this is Rachel she plays the bass clarinet and how about you tell us about yourself."

"Hello I'm Rachel I'm 13 I've played the bass just over a year now. I can play the drums. In fact I play drums in a rock band. I'm also the daughter of a rock star."

"OK Rachel your the only bass player so you can join the row of clarinets. I also don't have any sheet music at the time for your instrument but I have tuba parts and I think you might be able to read this so until to marrow you can play the tuba part."

I just nodded and warmed up with the band.

Savannah's p.o.v

Thank the lord Emme's in choirs. We walked down to the choirs room and Mrs. Bitzi was standing right out side waiting for us.

"Hello girls welcome to choirs. We have gym today but since your new I want to get to know you. If that's OK with you"

"Its ok" we both said at the same time.

"Well I'm Emme I'm the lead singer in a rock band. And can be a tenor a spreno  or a alto. I'm the daughter of a rock star but I'm adopted. And I'm 13"

"Hello I'm savannah I can play electric guitar. I'm a spreno and I'm 13.  Daughter of a rock star but adopted. And that's about all."

"Well two rock stars. Do you know a Rachel and Arianah by any chance."

"Yes actually I'm her girlfriend she plays drums. And arianah plays bass in are band. We all went on tour with or dads and played In front of a crowd." Emme said rather proudly

She looked at emme.

"I'm not spost to say this but I'm proud of you for being in the lgbt+ community. An to be honest I'm bisexual"

She looked at emme and smiled. Then looked at me

"Well let's get your ranges and so on and so forth."

Time skip to next class

Rachel's p.o.v.

I walked in to math and me and emme sat next to each other. The teacher started roll


"Class this is our new students rachel and emme. Please stand up." We stood up and then I heard

"She's that monster that came in to school today."
"Ya I heard she and her were holding hands"

"Class shut it." The teacher said

"You can take your seat now"

We sat down and he started teaching algebra.

"X= what class. Raise your hand"

I raised my hand



"That is correct. Were did you come from again?"

"I was an orphan."


We continued class

Time skip to lunch.

We just got out of math and I met arianah and savannah at my locker. We went to the café and they got a bag lunch. I got a saled.

We stated walking back when this blonde Barbie got  Emme's lunch and put it on her head

"Emo freak." The slut said.

"What did you just call her" I questioned by now I put my lunch in to can.

"I called her a emo freak you Dyke."

I had enough my anger issues weren't helping either. I let lose. I ran to her and tackled her to the ground. I started punching and pulling and then I felt small hands on my back pulling me. I looked behind me to see Emme in tears. I stopped instantly and hugged her.

"I'm sorry love"

She just nodded her head. Then I looked behind me and saw the blonde bitch in the floor. I let go of Emme made sure she was ok the helped her up. I said sorry and walked her to the nurse.

"Oh dear god what happened to you sweet pea." I could tell she was from the south.

"I beat her up " I said in the door way.

" why did you do that?" She asked

" She was being a bully. I couldn't get my anger issues in control fast enough. I'm truly sorry." And with that I left and caught up with my crew. We ended up eating out side and talked.

Word count 1432

I'm proud of my self

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