Chapter 70. No mercy

Start from the beginning

I then took a stand to strike Amitiel but he flew up in full speed probably thinking that he had an advantage in the air but he was so wrong. I shook my head at him and flew up after him. Amitiel then suddenly turned around and tried to slice through me but i stopped him with my sword on time. He tried to use spells to blind side me but i was quicker than him and stopped him every single time with my sword.

When Amitiel realized that the fight was going nowhere he conjured his spear and tried to stab me in my heart with it. I quickly grabbed the spear out of Amitiel's hands and threw it into the direction of Maynor who dodged it on time. I chuckled when i saw that and Amitiel saw that as a chance to attack me with his sword again but i quickly protected myself with my silver wings.

"Micah Lockwood !!!" yelled Amitiel in frustration and i suddenly felt a heat behind my back. When i looked back i saw a huge fireball behind me and i wanted to dodge it but it was already too late. The fireball hit me with full force and i heard Maynor then chuckle. Amitiel was ready to strike me down when he saw me getting engulfed by the flames and i could feel it my heart how confident Knightly was that i was strong enough to survive anything.

Amitiel struck me with full force and he looked in horror at me when he heard his sword clash against mine. I quickly casted a spell to get rid of the smoke and fire that was surrounding me then looked in annoyance at Amitiel. Amitiel looked in shock at me then took a stand again to attack me but i struck him with my sword instead. My main goal was to make Amitiel as tired as possible and i smiled to myself when i saw that Amitiel was too tired to move after a while.

Fighting while flying takes extra energy that can exhaust anyone but not me because i had special powers. So when i saw Amitiel panting for air i jumped and kicked him with full force to the ground. Amitiel fell with a loud thud next to Maynor on the ground and i flew down when i saw where he had landed. Amitiel tried to get up when he saw me land on the ground but fell on the ground instead from exhaustion.

I walked slowly up to Amitiel while casting my sword then said "Weakling" to him. Amitiel looked in fear at me but i then heard someone scream and when i looked around to see from where the scream came from i saw five rogues attacking a pack member of Knightly. The rogues were trying to tear off a leg of Knightly's pack member and he couldn't defend himself because the rogues kept jumping on him. I quickly casted a spell to freeze Maynor and Amitiel on their spots then flew to the pack member of Knightly to help him out.

I swiftly killed all the five rogues then decided to get rid of all the demons and rogues that were left on the battlefield. I didn't want to waste any time so casted a spell on my sword then stuck it with all my power into the grond. One buy one all the rogues and demons started turning into dust in front of me and when i saw that only family members and pack members were left standing on the battlefield i smiled to myself.

I then flew back to Amitiel and Maynor then asked myself "Now, where was i ?" I then broke the spell that i had casted on Maynor and Amitiel. Maynor immediately tried to cast a spell to leave and i said to him "I'm not done with you yet Maynor because i still have to bury you two". Amitiel quickly went to stand in front of Maynor to defend him and i shook my head at him. "You'll have to kill me first before you kill Maynor, Micah Lockwood" yelled Amitiel to me and i groaned loudly in response then replied with "Well that's easily done".

I casted my sword with all my power and saw Amitiel close his eyes in fear. I was just about to land a blow when i heard someone say "You can stop now Micah Silverstone Lockwood. You should give them a chance to repent their actions". I chuckled when i heard a woman in a beautiful voice say that and asked "Why does someone always have to spoil to my fun?" I then heard the archangel Michael say "She's right my angel you have done enough".

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