Friendship Is Magic (Not MLP)

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Hazel POV

I smiled when my mother called.

"Hey darling how are you?" She asked and I frowned.

"I'm okay, just having some breathing troubles." 

"Oh, I'm sure it's just asthma. (This is pre cancer Hazel) Do you want to go to the doctor. I'm picking you up tomorrow anyway." She stated and I cringed.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"The school has advised us to bring our children home from school early." I looked at the phone and nodded, even though she couldn't see me.

"Uh... okay." I said and the call ended there.

Pewdiepie POV

I ran around the school and came to a stop when I ran into Caitlin.

"Oh my God! OH MY FUCKING GOD!" I screamed and she stepped back.

"What happened?" She asked suspiciously and I smiled brightly.

"Marzia! Marzia agreed to be my girlfriend!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and Caitlin's jaw dropped. 

"Oh my God, Pewds that's awesome!" She yelled and I hugged her.

"I have a girlfriend!" I yelled and I think Dumbledore heard me from the roof of the school. 

"Friendship is magic." Caitlin said as she brofisted me and I laughed.

"Yeah, yeah." I said as I put arm on her shoulder. 

"Too the lake." Caitlin said and we headed down to the lake.

"Wait let's get the others and have a party. I mean classes are cancelled." I said and Caitlin froze. I think I accidentally reminded her why classes were cancelled. "Caitlin, are you okay?" I asked and she smiled sadly.

"I'm fine." She stated and I frowned at her. "Really, I'm okay." She said and as soon as she said okay her eyes began to water.

"C'mon, I'll take you to the Gryffindor common room." I said and she wiped her eyes, which was useless. She was sobbing now. I escorted her to the common room and she said goodbye.

"I better go, congratulations about Marzia." She said with sniff and I hugged her.

"See ya."

Dan POV 

I walked into a corridor and saw Felix hugging Caitlin.

"I have a girlfriend!" Felix yelled and I froze. They're dating! I spun on my heel and stormed off angrily. How did that happen?! Why did I care?! I shouldn't even care?! Caitlin and I are just friends! Well, not even that! All of this ran through my head and I walked into the Gryffindor common room. Phil looked at me with a smile as I sat down next to him.

"What's wrong Dan?" He asked and I glared at the floor.

"Nothing." At that moment Caitlin walked in and I cursed.

"Ah, I see." Phil said and I elbowed him. "Hey Caitlin!" Phil yelled and she waved at him. 

"Hey." She said quietly as she sat down across from him. She had obviously been crying as her eyes were red. 

"Are you okay?" Phil asked and she wiped her hands on her shorts.

"I'm fine." She whispered and I glared at her. "What's your problem?" She asked venomously as she looked at me.

"Not much, I just walked in on you and your boyfriend." Phil and Caitlin went silent and I went back to glaring at the floor.

"Boyfriend?" She asked with confusion interlacing her voice.

"Yeah, Felix or Pewds as you call him." I growled and she looked taken aback.

"What makes you think that Felix and I are dating?" Phil got up and backed away slowly as he understood the fight about to happen.

"Nothing other then the fact that you were hugging him!" I accused and she stood up.

"I was hugging him because his crush finally asked him out!" Caitlin protested and I stood up too.

"Sure!" I said sarcastically and she shoved me.

"Why do you care?! The only reason you would even know my name is because I tutor you!" She yelled and I ran my hands through my hair.

"I don't care! What gave you that impression!" I yelled back and at this point everyone was watching.

"If you didn't care, why are you making a scene?!" She asked.

"Well... I... Uh..." I didn't know how to answer and she groaned with annoyance.

"I was already having a bad day! You just made it even worse! You can't even answer a simple question!" She accused and I realized why.

"It's because I like you!" Silence filled the room.


A/N Mwahahaha Cliffhanger alert! Sorry about the wait, I had writer's block!

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