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"Where is everyone disappearing too?" I asked myself while walking down the corridor. From the people who had stayed here over the holidays only a couple of them were still here and this was the last day of holidays. I walked past the hospital wing and stopped abruptly. Inside was Caitlin with blood all over her forehead. I walked in cautiously and stared at her. I had heard the rumours of her and Diana Ladris getting into a fight and her losing but it seemed more serious then that. 

"Can I help you?" I heard a voice in the distance. It was a Slytherin boy my age and I stepped back.

"Uhh... No I'm fine." He rolled his eyes and smirked at Caitlin.

"As if she can win a fight with Diana." I suddenly realized who this guy was, he was Drake Merwin. This was the moment I really wanted to run. 

"Yeah... She's really weak." I said, agreeing with him so he wouldn't hurt me. 

"I don't understand why she came here in the first place. She's just a lonely, idiotic, weak, cowardly-" Caitlin punched him in the face and I backed up. She was definitely not unconscious, she and Drake got into a fight and I ran in between both of them to stop the fight. Drake growled at me and stormed out of the hospital wing. I smiled at Caitlin but she was glaring at me.

"What..?" She slapped me in the face before I could finish and walked over to the sink to wash off the blood. "Ow! What did I do?" I asked and she laughed fakely.

"Oh nothing, you did nothing you dick!" Once she had washed off the blood she followed Drake's lead by storming out as well. 

"What did I do?!" I yelled to her but she just stuck up her middle finger at me.

Hermione POV

When I walked into the Great Hall I noticed that barely anyone was there. I sat down next to Harry after I gave him a hug.

"Where is everyone?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Everyone's going missing." Harry said and I cringed.

"That's really strange. Maybe it's linked to what happened at the Quidditch World Cup." I said and Harry shook his head.

"No. That was to do with wizards." He whispered and I gaped at him.

"Who told you?" I asked and he twiddled his thumbs, leaning back in his chair.

"Hagrid." He stated and I rolled my eyes.

"Hey guys." I could hear Ron's familiar voice behind me and I spun around. 

"Hi Ron." I said dejectedly and he frowned at me. "I better go to class." I announced and I rushed off.

Harry POV

"Class doesn't start for a couple of hours." I said and Ron looked confused. "Did you hear about the Quidditch World Cup?" I asked and Ron nodded grimly.

"Yeah.. Those bloody death eaters." Ron quickly looked up and covered his mouth. "Ah crap. Pretend you didn't hear that." I chuckled and Ron stared at me quizzically.

"I already know that I'm a wizard. What's a death eater?" I asked and Ron sighed with relief. 

"Oh thank God. I thought I just ruined everything. Also death eaters are the servants of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named." (Yep I brought Voldy into this)

"Who?" I asked and Ron gaped at me.

"Out of everyone here you are the one who should know who V- You-Know-Who is." He stated and I frowned. "He's the one who gave you," he leaned in closer and whispered. "The scar." I touched the lightning bolt scar on my forehead and froze.

"How do you-?"

"Harry. You are one of the most famous people in the Wizarding World. Everyone know's about your scar." Ron said and I covered it protectively.

"But, how does that link me to the guy you're talking about?" I asked and Ron sighed.

"Okay the guy I'm talking about's name is," he gulped as if, if he muttered the name he would be robbed of his soul. "Voldemort." He looked around suspiciously and I frowned.

"Voldemort?" I said and he covered my mouth.

"Shut up. Not so loud. Just call him You-Know-Who." Ron said and I shrugged defeated. "Anyways You-Know-Who was the one who killed your parents and gave you that scar." Ron explained and my eyes widened in shock.

"They were killed?! The Dursley's told me they died in a car crash!" I stood up now and everyone was looking at me like I was crazy.

"They said what?!" I heard a gruff voice behind me and I spun around to see Hagrid frowning at us.

"The Dursley's said my parent's died in a car crash! Those lying son's of bit-" 

"What seems to be the problem?" A voice drawled and I realized how much of a scene I was making. Snape had come.

"Uh.. Nothing Professor Snape. Ron and I should go." Ron began to protest that there was still heaps of food but I snatched his arm. I dragged him out of the Great Hall and once we were out of sight I lent my head against the stone wall. "My whole life is a lie." 

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