Yer a Wizard Harry

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The Doctor POV

Everyone has found out about Katniss and my kiss and the gossip spread like wild fire. (Do other countries use that expression or is it just AUS?) I had moved my TARDIS to a more secret area, just on the inside of the forbidden forest. I've visited it a couple of times and just stared at it as I had missed it.

"Doctor?" Percy said and I suddenly snapped back to reality. "Doctor are you going to answer my question?" He asked and I stared at him quizzically making him groan. 

"What?" I asked.

"Do you want to go to the Quidditch World Cup with me?" He asked and I smiled brightly.

"Definitely!" I said louder than I exected making Percy chuckle.

"I can't believe holidays start tomorrow." He said and I frowned.

"They do?!" For a timelord I don't know many dates for things. He shook his head and turned towards his book. I stood up and walked towards the Great Hall when Katniss ran up to me. 

"Percy invited me to the Quidditch World Cup!" She said ecstatically and I smirked.

"Me too." I said and she gaped at me.

"Really?!" She hugged me and I patted her back awkwardly. "I need to go, see you soon." She kissed me on the cheek and ran off to her friends. I sighed and lent against the wall.

Caitlin POV

I sat down on the couch and suddenly let the warmth of the fireplace heat my skin. I set down a pile of books on the coffee table and began reading. It was the middle of the night and moonlight shone through the window. The familiar creaking of someone walking down the stairs rung through the room and I looked up to see Dan walking into the light.

"What are you doing?" He asked wearily. I slightly looked up at him and rolled my eyes.

"What does it look like?" I asked and he gaped at the large pile of books.

"You are crazy if you think you can finish all of those tonight.

"You're crazy to think I can't." I protested and he sat down. I shut the book delicatley and rested it on my lap. "So, you confuzed that the bitch is also a nerd?" I asked and he looked at me startled.

"I-I-I didn't call you a bitch." He said and I chuckled.

"You thought it. 'Nuff said." I then said and swapped two of the books. 

"You sure are acting like a bitch now." He snarled and I tried to hide how badly that stung. 

"Thanks bro." I said collecting my books. "Peace out." I said as I rushed up the stairs. I fell onto my bed and started to cry silently, making sure no one realised. I was weak.

Harry POV

I fell back asleep after I said goodbye to Ron and Hermione as I was staying at the school for the hoidays. I dreamt about a woman with red hair and green eyes dying from a horrifyingly bright green light, erupting from a stick. I screamed and woke up to sweat falling down my brow. I stood up as I breathed in sharply. Downstairs, Caitlin the new girl was giggling with Lana and Rose (Hathaway). 

"Hi Harry." Caitlin giggled and Rose copied. What was going on? I noticed that whenever they looked at me they giggled and that was when I looked dow at myself. I was in a tshirt and boxers, completley forgetting to put on pants. I froze and blushed. This was just like one of those nightmares where you go to school naked. I ran back upstairs and shut the door. Oblivious to the fact that two other kids were asleep.

"Harry you ass, I'm trying to sleep." Dan protested.

"Why are you not wearing pants?" Phil asked and I cclosed my eyes.

"I forgot. Lana and Caitlin saw me." I stated as I ran to my bed where my pants where folded and resting. When I said 'Caitlin' Dan seemed to try to ignore me and I imagined something had happened between them.

I was walking down to oval when Hagrid stopped me and smiled down at me.

'Why 'ello Harry." He said and I beamed.

"Hi Hagrid." I said. He became serious for a moment.

"I need to tell you something." He said and I listened intently.

"Yer a wizard." He said quietly and I stared blankly at him.

"Sorry, I think I misheard you. I'm a what?" I asked and he sighed.

"A wizard. You know with magic and stuff. No this is not a joke." He said when he saw my expression. He then ran away leaving me dumb founded.


OMG I got the idea for Caitlin with all the books because next to my bed is a pile of books for the holidays cause school ended yesterday. YES! The books include

Tomorrow When the War Began (Rereading) John Marsden

Eragon - Christopher Paolini

Checkers - John Marsden

Eclipse - Stephanie Meyer (Visible Gag)

Beautiful Creatures - Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl

The Crossing of Ingo - Helen Dunmore

The Host - Stephanie Meyer

The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown


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