Where's Phil?

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Sherlock POV

I swaggered past the Doctor and he stopped immediatley.
"Oh, look at you all high and mighty." He said and I smirked.
"You wanna start another fight? I would finish you." I said and he growled.
"You couldn't hurt me if you tried you mother f-" I swung at him and he duck making me fall off balance. "Oooh too slow." He teased and he then launched at me. I could hear a ringing in my ears as the Doctor made a blow to the side of my head. I punched him in the face, making blood flow from his  nose. As he was about to lunge at me I felt someone push me and the Doctor into the wall. I looked up and saw Caitlin glaring down at us, I then felt the searing pain coming from where the wall collided with my shoulder.
"You guys are the most idiotic peope in history." She said as she helped me up. 
"I think you broke my shoulder." I said and I wasn't lying.
"It's better then having your face broken." She hissed and then tended to the Doctor's wounds.

Phil POV 

I walked down the hall and through a corridor when I suddenly felt like someone was watching me. I swivled around and saw nothing. I closed my eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. 
"Okay, everything is fine, it's just your imagination." I kept walking when suddenly my legs froze and I couldn't move. A man with a turbin walked out and frowned when he saw me.
"It's the wrong one master." He said and I looked at him strangely. A hollow voice answered him and I searched for where it came from.
"You idiot! Let me check." The man then undid his turbin and turned around revealing a face bulging out of the back of his head. I tried to scream but everything was frozen at this point.
"Should I kill him?" The man asked the face and I bit my lip.
"No, it would be too suspicious. Just wipe his memory." He said and I saw the man pull out a stick from his pocket.
"Obliviate!" He yelled loudly and I fell to the ground and hit my head on the cold, marble floor. 

Lissa POV

Rose sat beside me on the outside perimiter of the forbidden forsest when a bird fell to the ground dead. I screamed and Rose covered my mouth.
"Calm down, it's just a bird, it's just a bird." She said soothingly and I held my hand out toward it. My energy seemed to drain as I touched the feathers of the creature. It got up and swooped away in a swift motion, leaving Rose and I stunned. "What the--" Rose's obscenity was unable to hear over the bird screeching at us.
"Oh my God." I said and Rose stood up immediatley.
"I-I-It might be best if we get out of here." She said and I nodded. She grabbed my arm, practically dragged me towards the castle and into the Great Hall.

A boy walked around the corridors searching everywhere for something.
"Have you seen my friend, Phil Lester?" He asked and I shook my head.
"No sorry. What's happened?" I asked. His expression was grim and I bit my lip wondering of I should have asked that question.
"He went for a walk around the castle this morning and didn't come back. No one's seen him since then." I grimaced and he looked at the ground.
"I better go find him." He said and walked off.

Dan POV 

I could hear the sound of running footsteps coming towards me and I groaned when I realised it was Caitlin.
"Look, I know I'm not your favourite person right now but people are dissapearing." She said and I stopped suddenly.
"Wait, it's not just Phil?" I asked and she shook her head.
"My friends, Tris and Sam are gone. Don't get me started on Lana." She said and I shook my head.
"I've been searching but I can't seem to find Phil, or the others for that matter." Caitlin let out an aggrivated sigh and hid her face in her hands.
"Where are they?" She growled. I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed.
"C'mon let's keep searching." I said and she followed me down the hall. A scream filled the knew found silence and we both immediatley looked towards the sound. Caitlin bolted and I followed close behind her to find Rose curled up on the floor, holding her head as if it will fall apart if she lets go. 
"Rose! Rose! What's wrong?!" Caitlin asked shaking her.
"It hurts!" She let out another scream, so loud I needed to cover my ears. Professor Belikov walked up to her and picked her up.
"I'll take her to the nurse's office." He said, his Russian accent interlacing his words. Caitlin covered her mouth with her hand and stared at Belikov carrying Rose away. The screams still rumbled through the school, piercing through me like a knife. And yet we still couldn't find Phil...


Hey guys, so sorry about the delay, I was having severe writers block but don't worry it's gone... I hope. Anyways see ya next time. ALSO Cliffhanger alert!

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