Everyone sighed in disappointment and gave Jimin a lecture on how he should've waited for sex and Yoongi for being thirsty.

"I have a younger sister so we can just use some of her make-up to cover it up for now."

They all decide to head to Namjoon's place all getting into their cars making a bee line behind his. Finally at his place they all head inside.

"Oh. My parent's aren't home."

He grabs a yellow sticky note off of the sofa with quick and scribbley writing.

"There's a sale at the grocery store! Love -Mom and Dad."

They all head upstairs and notice that a room down the hall had it's light on.

"Don't touch anything in my sister's room or she'll cut my balls off."

Namjoon informs the boys yet they all planned to touch something for the fun of it, with such given information who'd pass up the chance? He slowly opens the door and immediately he's hit with a sandel.

"Who let you in my room!?"

A feminine voice yells in anger.

"F-Fuck. Kyungmin I need your help with something."

He rubs his face in pain.

"I can't help you with your stupid gay relationship. Get out of my room."

"Shut up and listen to me for once."

"Hmph, fine. What is it?"

"I have some friends with me right now-"

"You bastards better not touch anything in my room."

She warns to the boys who were behind the door.

"One of them needs your help with....."

"Whatever. Get your ass's in here and close the door."

They all enter the room to see his sister with plastic hair curlers in her hair, a weird sort of mud mask on her face, in her pyjamas, different make-up supplies spilled around her whilst she scrolled through her phone. She looks up and frowns.

"So what's the problem?"

Jimin shoved Yoongi towards her waiting for him to explain the situation.

"Well I fucked Jimin and he needs to cover up the hickeys."

"Yoongi! You could at least say that we made love or something."

He sheepishly picks at his shirt.

"I guess I could help. This isn't my first time dealing with these things since most of my friends are hoes."

She sighs and rolls off her bed.

"Sit over there."

She points to a white make-up table with a huge mirror and make-up storages all over the surface. He takes a seat as everyone else took in the view of her room.

Her room had soft pastel pink walls with dark wood furniture or white, contrasting nicely with one another. She had action figures and plushies scattered all over her room along with polariod photo's of her friends hung on her walls.

She grabs her brushes off of her bed and places them onto the table.

"Let me see the damage."

She turns Jimin around so that he was now facing her. He unbuttons some of his shirt and straightens the shirts collar down.

"H o l y- what the fuck."

Her eyes widen catching the boys attention. They all circle around him and gasp in horror.

"What the heck Yoongi!"

Jin screeches, slapping him hard behind the head.

"Well shit. It's not that bad."

He grumbles.

"Not bad? All of my friends hickeys can't even compare to this shit and I thought that i've seen it all."

"He looks like a bruised banana."

Namjoon laughs gaining a glare from Jimin.

"I can cover this up but I don't know how you'll manage applying make-up all the time."

Kyungmin tilts Jimin's head back and names all the make-up that she's using and what order she's using them in. Once she was finished she grabs an empty make-up bag and places a few brushes and the make-up she used on the teen.

"Good luck on not getting caught."

She laughs.

"Anyways so where did you two do the deed?"

She wiggles her eyebrows in curiosity.

"Kyungmin! You shouldn't-"

"At the school's restroom in the nave."

"WOAH! You guys are sinners."

She laughs in amazement.

"Are your parents cool with you being gay?"


The two say.


"Wow and I thought Yoongi cursed alot."

Jungkook eyes Kyungmin as if she just murdered someone in front of him.

"Is your mom okay with you being gay?"

Jimin asks Namjoon.

"She's cool with it. My dad isn't but he said he'd try his best to support us if we did come out. I didn't come out to him, just Kyungmin and my mom know."

Jimin looked down at his hands, feeling a hand rubbing his back in comfort.

"I hate being cheesy and shit but we all support you here."

Kyungmin smiles softly.

//At Jimin's Driveway//

"If anything happens make sure to contact me immediately."

"I will."

"You have my number right?"


"I love you."

The blue haired teen wraps his thick black scarf around Jimin that Kyungmin sprayed with her perfume to make it seem as Alexis gave it to him.

"I know."

Jimin blushes, avoiding eye contact.

"Say it back to me."

Yoongi holds his hand, leaning in close to him.

"I.....I love you."

He breathed, their lips barely ghosting one another.

A light flashes through the front of the car window, the two quickly seperating.


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