Chapter 46: Sulru

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I knew I only had a small sliver of time that I was guaranteed to be free from pursuit, though I didn't know exactly how long it would be. If no other vampire came after me immediately, the time it would take any humans to physically catch up, or a course of action in finding me to be decided and ordered to any officers, human or otherwise, was the amount I was working with.

The first places they would look would be the obvious ones: my home, Malook's, and of course, his office. Zofra might be the next person to be looked into since Cartef certainly was aware of our companionship at the very least.

My old friend, however, had been at Typher's anniversary gathering, so I could trust he would stay scarce until he was able to get in touch with me in some way, lest he inadvertently lead forces to me and therefore also incriminate himself.

There was no doubt he had immediately learned of my escape. Many party guests had been outside and would have carried word to the others in the ballroom, if they hadn't already shifted in that direction themselves once it had become safe.

He would be able to inform Kivela of what had transpired after finding me and, as part of our resistance, both would remain in contact to know what was needed moving forward.

That eliminated my need to go anywhere near my home, which was a positive, as it left me to focus on getting to Otahn rapidly and undetected. The chance that it had been him who Cartef had contacted was nonexistent, due to several reasons, including that he was the closest of all the Generals to have any sort of known relationship with Malook.

Therefore, he was the most likely to give my boss favor. Apart from that, he had also never made any remark or indication of negative feelings toward vampires, which might as well, in the minds of most, mean that he saw us as equals even though it didn't warrant any 'blood-sucker lover' rumor as Malook had dealt with for his own words and actions.

Cartef was of enough mind to look for his best shot in completing his mission, meaning he would have looked for a General of more common ground with him than his target.

As I traversed the Black Forest, bounding from the ground, ricocheting my body from one tree to another, then sprinting, skipping, leaping, and ricocheting again with soles of my shoes scratching off the bark, I searched my memory for any recollection of meetings, work, or other sorts where Cartef had made the acquaintance of any other General.

With the duty to protect Malook, accompanying him to meetings with the other Generals, and then of course being tasked with helping the other guards protect all of them at said gatherings, I had learned the names and faces of each of Gelvin's seven sub-leaders. It gave me only a shallow store of information about them, though, so wasn't much use.

Otahn would have more insight to these men and women as individuals, but what would be most helpful is his access to data regarding such an undertaking as the arrest of a fellow General, since our world's system thrived on the strict legal obligation of recording pretty much everything.

I had always been a fantastic runner in regards to speed and stamina, even among my own people, yet the overwhelming danger of my current situation had me in a constant state of fear that I wasn't working fast enough.

This prompted me to continue forcing myself to increase my pace and never slow until, when I finally made it past the forest and reached well into the back alleys of the vampiric neighborhood of the next city, I had pressed myself to the point of over-exertion.

I hated to do it, yet was incapable of keeping myself from easing up. I absolutely refused to stop moving altogether however, so I kept walking, doing my best to regain my breath while not drawing any attention. Otahn was meant to be at Typher's anniversary, yet he had been absent. This was why I was heading through the next district and into his territory.

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