sasagawa ryohei | ginger

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Kyoko's head perked up when the doorbell was rung, blinking. Figuring her brother wouldn't get the door she hurried to answer it, smiling upon realising it was you.

"[Name]-chan, what can I do for you?"

"I'm here for your brother."

Her smile widened a tad. She ushered you inside, waiting for you to remove your shoes before taking you upstairs. She was always willing to help you out with her brother. She was rather sharp on other people's feelings towards other.

Towards herself, however? Not very.

"Onii-san, [Name]-chan is here!" Kyoko called as you got closer to his room.

His door was opened rather suddenly. Ryohei stepped out and grinned broadly at you. "[Name], what're you doing here?"

You hummed lowly, nodding at Kyoko in thanks. She waved, disappearing back to her room but leaving her door open just a crack.

"Thought I'd come visit my friend over the holidays!" You peeked into his room and sighed at the mess. As per usual, it looked like a tornado had torn through it. Regardless of whether he could navigate through it, you hated it.

"This is an extreme surprise, though! I wasn't expecting it."

"That's the point of surprises, Ryohei." You stepped into his room and shuffled things out of the way with your feet to create a small path. "You should clean your room, you know. You'll trip and hurt yourself."

"It's fine! No one really comes in, anyway."

"This is why."

You shot him a wary look as he easily made his way to his bed and dropped himself on it before remembering why you'd even shown up today. With that thought you took off your gloves and shoved them in your bag.

Ryohei's gaze immediately fell on your bandaged fingers, brows furrowed and concern flitting through his grey hues. "[Name], what-"

"Don't worry, I'm fine." You pulled out a small box instead and held it out to him. His concern didn't leave, but it meshed with curiosity as you waved it at him. "Take it."

"What is it?"


"Take it and open it, genius."

He kept his retort to himself, taking the box and gingerly pulling the lid off. He was only really ever gentle with anything you or his sister gave him.

Upon opening the lid a warm, cinnamon smell hit him. He figured it was gingerbread and found he was right. They were slightly messy, but you could make out what was what.

He then spared your fingers a glance. So that's why you were hurt. You'd been making him gingerbread.

"You extremely made these?"

"Yep! Burnt myself and cut myself a bit, but it's fine!" A nervous smile took over your features. "As long as it tastes fine, right...?"

You stared at each other. You had a habit of being rather... clumsy in the kitchen. Unlike Kyoko or Haru, you were very injury prone. That said, baking certainly wasn't your forte, either, so your injuries never were worth it. You still tried, though.

That thought touched Ryohei's heart as he stared at the smiling faces of the treats in the box. But his stomach wanted no part in it. He knew better than anyone that your cooking was close to inedible.

"I'm sure it'll taste extremely fine...!" He didn't sound very convincing, you thought bitterly.

He grabbed one out of the box and he had to admire the soft brown colour of it beneath the colourful icing. You managed to make them look and smell good, yet... His gut screamed at him not to.

He bit into it anyway.

Your shoulders slumped when he froze for a few moments before noticeably forcing himself to continue chewing. "Ryohei... You can spit it out. I figured it wouldn't work." You nudged your bag. "I bought some just in case."

He swallowed roughly, wincing a bit. He'd never seen the process of your baking, but still... How did it get this bad?

"No!" You blinked at his refusal. Had this been anyone else they would've agreed immediately. "I'll eat your ones! You made them for me, so I have to!"

"Eh?" Despite the blush colouring your cheeks you stared at him incredulously as he shoved the rest of the gingerbread in his mouth. "Don't force yourself! You'll just make yourself sick!"

Ryohei being Ryohei, he didn't listen. He never really did in instances like these.

So even though he found himself in the bathroom rinsing his mouth out while you pet his back comfortingly, he was still happy he found a grateful look in your eyes when he looked up into the mirror.

Regardless of how much you got hurt, he'd make sure every injury counted towards something. He'd make sure they weren't in vain, even if he ended up being sick for the day.

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