cavallone dino | carmine

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Red was usually embedded in anger or passion and love, the type that consumed one's whole body. Red was meant to be either one. He had hoped he'd only ever feel the effects of 'red' in a happier time.

Deep, dark red stained Dino's hands as he fumbled with his coat, pushing it desperately to an open wound. You were hardly reacting as much as he wanted you to. Why did he feel so useless?

A carmine stained your dress shirt and your smooth skin, scarred by years of fighting and protecting. No matter how much was wiped away it left splotches across your torso.

"[Name], c'mon... You gotta open your eyes." Dino scanned the bloodied field quickly, hoping at least one of his men would show up. Anyone would do. But he couldn't hear anyone coming.

You forced your eyes open, but could only get them halfway. Your lids were heavy and everything ached. Your usually bright and sparkling gaze had dulled and were flat.

"There you go... Now we just need this blood to stop, right?" He cracked a nervous smile, head tilting. You tried returning it, you really did. He moved his troubled gaze back to your torso wound, brows furrowed.

Why wouldn't the bleeding stop?

"Dino..." He immediately looked up when you whispered his name. He gave you the time to prepare yourself; talking took a lot out of you. "I think... you should stop."

"Hah? What kind of request is that?!" He shook his head quickly, redirecting his focus to his bloodied hands. He really was getting sick of seeing red. "I have to stop the bleeding and take you home!"

He was a stubborn man when he wished to be. You knew well he wouldn't stop until you'd taken your last breath. But it pained you to see him trying so futilely. "Stop-"

"No!" He sounded like a child. "You're going home today! That's that!" He hesitated before continuing, "That's an order!"

Your lips twitched upwards tiredly, your eyes slipping shut again. He jostled you, causing you to look up at him. "An order...?" He nodded quickly. "I-I'm not entirely sure... I can carry that out, Boss."

"You have to! What kind of boss would I be if I couldn't even keep you alive, huh?!" He had stopped looking at you as his vision blurred, playing off the illusion that there was much more blood than there really was.

"You'd still be fantastic... even without me." He scoffed at this, eyes narrowing. He tilted his head and wiped his eye on his shoulder, trembling fingers curling around his coat a tad tighter.

"My own partner... You're bleeding out everywhere and I can't even stop it," he grumbled softly.

You took slow and steady breaths, but they were starting to shallow out. They weren't nearly as deep as he wanted to hear, and the short gasps for air made his stomach turn.

"Dino..." He forced his gaze to you. Little to no life in your eyes, no cute pink flush to your skin, no sparkle. "Just... Please..." He reluctantly removed his hands from his coat, shoulders drooping as he watched you.

He shuffled across the dirt to get closer, gingerly lifting one of your frail hands. "Is there anything you want? I'll try and do it. I'll try and make sure it's done, okay? So ask for anything."

The deep carmine rolled down his arm and dyed your pale fingers. Still, you forced your dry lips to pull up I to a smile, no matter how small it was. "Just live happily... I really love your smile."

His lips parted, his hazel hues glazing over once more. He contemplated his next words carefully. "I really love you, y'know..." His chest tightened. "I can't believe I'm gonna lose you. I can't lose you-"

"I l-love you, too," you murmured gently, rubbing your thumb against his larger hand soothingly. "I'm sorry... I have to leave like this."

"Why are you apologising?! I'm the one who got you hurt and caught up in this mess to begin with!" He was ranting, and you knew you couldn't stop him. "Now I can't even save you! I'm meant to be your boss! Your partner!"

"You are... You're both, and you've been wonderful..."

He hunched over, shoulders tense and jaw clenched. His grip on your hand only tightened as he brought it to his chest. He mumbled pleas for you to stay, for you to never leave his side. You had to return home.

"Smile for me...?" You tried squeezing his hand encouragingly. "I want to see it... just one last time. Please?" Hearing how weak your voice was, he lifted his head. Steeling his nerves his lips spread into a wide smile.

It shook and faltered greatly. You could see every crack and flaw in it, but seeing the blind passion and adoration he held behind it warmed your very soul, no matter how much sadness clung to it.

Your eyes slipped shut and your hand went limp in his own. He choked out a short croak, head dropping. His lips pulled back to try and silence the sobs that threatened to tear from his throat.

Dino let out a muffled cry, burying his face into his knees. One hand abandoned yours in favour of gripping his messy blond locks tightly, tugging shortly.

When the sound of a sharp snap echoed from in front of him he didn't immediately look. But when he did lift his head, and noticed the intruder wasn't one of his own men waiting to comfort him, his emotions twisted.

Upon seeing an enemy, his heart jumped into his throat and he saw red.

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