485 9 2

Gwen Stefani

I snatched the covers from my head and rubbed the sleep crumbs from my eyes. I rolled over to my nightstand and snatched my phone from the charging cord. I smashed my index finger on the alarm off button and tossed the phone to the other side of my bed.

Setting my alarm to 9:00 am on a Saturday was a horrible idea. Why would I do that to myself?

I pushed the covers off my body and sat up on my bed. I slipped my feet into my black fuzzy slippers and went to my closet to grab an outfit. I did my normal routine— shower, brush teeth, wash face, deodorant, clothes on, etc. As I headed into the living room/ kitchen area of the apartment, All the girls were sitting on the couch with their phones in their hands," Hey guys—"

Erin was the first one to dart up from her seat," CHARLIE! Where the hell has your black ass been!? We were worried about you!!"
"Yeah girl, we were scared you done got snatched up!" Tara budded in. My head fell into my hands," Damn, I'm soo sorry y'all. I meant to text you that I left, but I got caught up."

Erin had her hands on her hips," You've been gettin' caught up alot lately. What is goin on girl. You're usually on the top of everything." "Yeah so much that we know you're shittin' pattern. What is up?" Iris spoke up.

I swatted my hand towards them,"It's nothing, I've just had alot on my mind ya know?" All of them had there noses scrunched up at me," Guys I'm good." Erin crossed her arms over her chest," Mmhmm, well NEXT TIME, give us a rain check, a bat signal, an S.O.S or something girl Damn!" She walked off back towards her room muttering to herself," Got me up all night worried about yo ass—"

I glanced at Tara and Iris who quickly turned away from me and went back to their seats on the couch. Suddenly, I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket and I quickly whipped it out. I glanced down at the screen and a number I didn't recognize was showing up. I usually ask one of my friends to answer it for me but I tapped the answer button and put the phone up to my ear," Hello, who is this?"

"It's Jeremy." My heart fluttered at the sound of his name," Oh hey, you finally called me." I went back into the kitchen and started fidgeting with stuff," Meet me at PePe's." "The restaurant with the sautéed frog legs." I could hear a light chuckle through the phone," Yeah that place." "You want to meet now?" "Yeah."
" Okay, I'm on my way." Before he could even get a chance to respond, I tapped the end button.

"Who you meetin' up with Ms.Thing?" Tara questioned as she peeped over the couch," A friend." She twisted her mouth," Mmhhmm, be careful." "Okay mom." I rolled my eyes and headed into my room. I went into my closet and pulled out a pair of shoes and slipped them on. I grabbed my purse and car keys and left the apartment.

To say I was speeding to the restaurant was an understatement, I damn near almost wrecked two times trying to get there. I haven't even know this guy a good week yet and I'm already crazy about him. I don't know if it's the way he looks at me or how nonchalant he is, but the lust for him is real.

As I pulled in, I could see Jeremy's car already parked. I pulled my car in beside his and looked over at his car. He wasn't sitting in there so I got out of my car and headed into the restaurant," Welcome!" I waved at the hostess," Hi I'm looking for someone with blue eyes, reddish-blonde hair—" "Oh yes, the gentleman is over there." She pointed over to the booth where Jeremy was sitting," Thank you."

I strutted over to the table and slid into the booth," I'm surprised you invited me somewhere." He peered into my eyes," Why do you say that?" I shrugged my shoulders," You usually just pop up where ever I'm at." He lowly nodded his head," Maybe, it's just a coincidence." I held up the menu," Maybe so."

I waited for a sarcastic response but nothing happened. I peeked over the menu to find his eyes gleaming at me. I stared back into his glistening icy eyes, and the room around us became muffled. From my peripheral vision, I could see his hand outstretch to mine. His fingers interlocked with mine and his touch sent cold shivers through my body," HI! I'm Cassi," My body jumped so hard that my knee hit the table. I clutched my chest and stared up at the interrupting girl," I'll be your waitress this afternoon. Can I start you guys off with a drink?"

I glanced at Jeremy who had a cheeky grin on his face, I glared at him a quick second and turned my attention to Cassi," Yes I'd like a water with lemon." She nodded her head and looked to Jeremy." I'll have the same." She smiled at us and walked away.

I cradled my knee in my hand and winced at the touch," You should've payed attention." I raised my middle finger and snatched my hand away from his and grabbed the menu again. I studied the menu, not sure of I wanted to eat," Here are your drinks." She placed a water in front of me then Jeremy. We both gave her our orders as she wrote them down in her notepad.

After the waitress walked away, I peeped over at Jeremy. He was looking at me while tapping his fingers on the table," You know Jeremy, I like you...A lot, but I don't know why." He ceased the tapping and leaned in closer to me," You don't know why?" I shook my head," How should I know, it's been a week and I still know nothing about you. Not even the basics like," I held up my hand counting my fingers," What's your favorite color? When's your birthday? Your last name? What do you even do? You're out here ridin' round with a fucking sports car."

I crossed my arms over my chest, as he stared at me with a smirk on his face," I don't know anything about you either Charlie—" "I asked first." "I told you—" I quickly interrupted him again," I know. 'You ask the questions.' But I asked first." He nodded his head and leaned against the table as he placed his hands on the table knit together," Hi. I'm Jeremy Armitage. I was born November 18th. Nineteen. Ninety-Three. I don't have a favorite color; every color serves its purpose in the universe." He held up his hands and twinkled his fingers like there were magical particles in the air.

He leaned back in his seat." Your turn." I raised my eyebrow," You didn't explain the car or how you got it?" He glared at me as he still leaned back against the seat," Okay you caught me," He held up his arms like he was surrendering, "I'm a spoiled brat that mooches off his parents..." A devious smirk crept across his face," Well kinda. My dad's a neurosurgeon and I'm his apprentice....Now it is your turn."

I outstretched my hand towards him and he grabbed it," Hi Jeremy, I'm Charlie Jackson." We shook hands," Hi Charlie Jackson." I sat up straight in my seat and proceeded," My birthday is February 22nd. Nineteen. Ninety-four. I have a favorite color and it's purple. And as you seen last night, I sing to pay the rent."

I took a long sip of my water and sat back in my seat. The waitress finally came back with our food. Once she left I gazed at Jeremy and he did the same," See that was easy peasy."

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