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I slept in as much as I could, but my body wouldn't let me rest. I did my normal routine and went into the living room. Surprisingly, none of the girls were here. I pulled out my phone to see if I had any notifications, and of course nothing was there.  I went over to the stereo that was beside the tv, and switched it on. I scavenged through our CD collection and popped one in. As the music filled the room, I went to the bottom kitchen cabinets and grabbed some cleaning supplies.

I grabbed the windex and sprayed the bottle to the beat of the music, a whaff of the chemicals traveled into my nose causing me to cough roughly. I immediately put down the bottle and grabbed a cloth and wiped down the windows. I grabbed some pledge and sprayed down down every hard surface, swiping and swaying to the music in the process.

"You better work Cinderella!" Tara cheered as she walked near the front door. I glanced at her and playfully flipped her off," Where you goin'?" She twisted her face up at me," Out." I rolled my eyes at her sassy demeanor," Have fun." "Of course." She shut the door and locked it behind her. I continued to clean and sing with the music. I grabbed some more cleaning supplies and headed towards the kitchen. I washed all the dishes and wiped down the counters.

Unexpectedly, a knock was on the door. I put down whatever was in my hands and made my way over to the door. I peeped through the hole , but it was pitch black. I hesitantly unlocked the door and slightly cracked it open. There stood the slender freckled faced boy with his blue eyes staring right at me," Jeremy what are you doing here!?" He stayed still leaning against the door frame,"You need to make an appointment, you can't just pop up at people's places like that—" "Are you going to let me in?" Jeremy interrupted.

I crossed my arms and glared at him, he held up his hand that was holding a white bag," I brought food." I rolled my eyes and opened the   door wide enough so he could get in. I closed the door as he made his way into the living room. He set down the bag of food on the coffee table and sat on the floor. I walked over to the stereo and pressed the stop button," Keep it on." Jeremy requested. I pressed the button and let the music play.

"Jeremy, there's a couch right there, Why are you on the floor?" He patted the spot next to him," It's more intimate." I scrunched up my nose as he continued to stare at me. I squatted down next to him and sat down on the floor," What you bring?" He pushed the bag towards me, i reached my hand inside and pulled out a neatly wrapped sandwich," I should've known it was something boujee." His mouth curled up at my comment and he reached in the bag and pulled out the other sandwich," This," He unraveled it and held it up like it was a piece of gold,"will change your life."

I shook my head and unwrapped the sandwich, taking a bite in the process. I glanced over at Jeremy, he was studying my every move. I chewed the bite that i took and slowly nodded," You're right. It's good." He smiled and we continued to eat the sandwiches as the music from the stereo engulfed us.

After we ate, I turned off the stereo and put all the cleaning supplies back in the cabinets. Jeremy collected our trash and threw it away.  As I was walking back to my room, Jeremy followed close behind me. I opened my door and we both waltzed in. Jeremy immediately plopped down on my bed and got comfortable. I closed my door and started to pick up all the clothes i had laying on the floor. From the corner of my eye I could see Jeremy's head roaming around my room.

I finally gathered all my clothes and threw them into my closet, making a mental note to organize it later. I turned back around to find Jeremy staring at me intensely," What?"
He pointed behind him towards my nightstand and smirked," I couldnt help but notice the stack of twilight books."

I shrugged my shoulders," They're my guilty pleasure." He raised an eyebrow and knitted his hands together," Enlighten me." I rolled my eyes, exhaling a long breath in the process," Weell," He leaned forward waiting for a thorough response," I want to be an uninteresting white girl that everyone wants and get dicked down by a vampire, with a werewolf on the side too." The sentence quickly escaped my mouth and for once a genuine laugh erupted from Jeremy.

Watching him laugh, brought a smile to my face," I'm not a vampire but I could—" I lightly slapped his arm before he could finish his sentence," Stop it." I grabbed the books off my nightstand and shoved them into my closet. I turned back around and Jeremy's laughter immediately died down. He was gazing at me with those mesmerizing blue eyes," Come here." He demanded.

Without hesitation, my legs guided me over to him. He stood up from my bed, towering over me. He grabbed ahold of my shoulders and spun me around. Right in front of us was my full length mirror, I stared into my reflection. As I studied myself, I could see Jeremy studying me as well. He laid his chin on my shoulder inching closer and closer to the crook of my neck. His warm breath sending chills through my veins, causing goosebumps to form.

He was still staring at me through the reflection of the mirror. His hands gripped my waist as he crept his hands closer to my bust. We both caught a glimpse of each other in the mirror as he hands were an inch away from the bottom of my breasts,"Can I?" He questioned so effortlessly. I could feel my lungs becoming hard to contract, my throat was coarse. I tried to speak but words wouldn't form. I nodded my head instead.

He gently cupped his hands onto my breasts. I could feel his rough hands through the cotton of my shirt. I let my head fall against him as he massaged my bust. He left soft kisses on my neck, and my knees started to buckle underneath me. Without a warning, he spun me around, facing him again. His hands glided down to the small of back. He glanced down at me and didn't say anything. I finally built up the strength to open my mouth," Go ahead."

He hungrily grasped ahold of my bottom. His rough fingers dug into me causing a soft moan to escape from my mouth. He dug into me deeper, lifting me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist. My hands cupped his face as i gazed into his ocean eyes. His warm breath hit me again as he glided his lips softly against mine.


"Charlie you here!?"

I mentally groaned, i wrestled out of Jeremy's grip and adjusted myself," Yeah, I'm here." I glanced at Jeremy as he gathered his stuff heading to my door," Where you going?" He glanced at his watch and back at me," I have Lacrosse practice." I couldn't tell if he was lying or not, either way Erin ruined the mood for sure. I nodded my head," Oh Okay." He escorted himself from my room and i followed behind him. Once we reached the front door, he turned around and faced me," Call me next time you want to come over. Can't just pop up uninvited." He pinched my chin and smirked,"Sure." With that he smoothly disappeared from the apartment, and I shut the door only to be greeted by Erin.

"Was that Vanilla from the café??" I rolled my eyes at the nickname my friends decided to stick with," His name is Jeremy." She crossed her arms across her chest and shifted her weight to one leg,"That's the one you been caught up with lately huh?" I brushed passed her and started walking to my room," Just be careful with Mr. Jeremy," I looked at her and she did the same with her smug face," White people are crazy." I playfully rolled my eyes and laughed," Thanks for the heads up."

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