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"Jeremy what the fuck?" He was fastening up the button of his pants as I pulled up my panties," You can't just raw dog me like that." He hovered over me, his face inches away from mine," You didn't stop me." My lips straightened at his truthful comment. I crossed my arms together and glared at the amused boy inches away from me," Birth control isn't 100%, so don't do it again." A long smirk traveled along his face, he reached over and planted a kiss on my cheek," Sure."

I pushed away from him and crawled out of the tunnel. Jeremy emerged from it as well and led us out of the play castle. He stuck his hands in his pockets and marched over to the monkey bars. I steadily walked over towards him and sat on the lower bars. Jeremy rested against the main frame of the bars and looked down at me," Do you really like me Jeremy?" With a straight face he answered," Yes."
I raised an eyebrow," Genuinely?" He answered the same way this time more stern." Yes."

I turned away from his hard gaze and studied my hands instead. Fiddling with the fabric of my dress," Why?" He took one of his hands out of his pocket and gently grabbed onto mine, softly caressing the back of my hand with his thumb," I love your imagination—the way you think it's...refreshing." I glanced up at him and smiled," And you're fun."

I scrunched up my face in disbelief, laughing a bit," Fun? I'm so boring." He shook his head," We just had sex in a park," He glanced behind him and back at me, chuckling to himself," You're fun." With his other hand that he took out of his pocket, he caressed my jaw. He leaned down and gently kissed my lips smirking in the process. I nestled his hand that was intertwined with mine against my chest," So what is this little thing we got goin' on?"
I questioned as I gazed up at him, trying to look as innocent as possible," It's whatever you want it to be." I gave him a straight look," Jeremy."

He continued to stare down at me, leaning against the monkey bar frame," I don't want to put a label on what we have," He lightly pressed my chin between his thumb and index finger," You okay with that?" I sat there getting lost in his eyes. He always seemed to put me in trance at the perfect times.
His expression stayed the same as my eyes did a 180 and back to him," Yeah okay." I got up from the bars, he gripped onto my hips and brought me in closer to him. I snaked my arms around his slender neck," But if you keep nutting into me like that you're gonna have to put a ring on it."
He lightly chuckled as he kissed the side of my face," That's fair."

After our conversation on the monkey bars, we decided to finally leave. We got in our cars, and went our separate ways. Once I got to my apartment complex, I parked near my building and went up the stairs. As I approached the door, I could here the girls laughing and being loud. I shook my head and smiled. I unlocked the door and was greeted by the joyful girls," Hey Charlie!" I waved at them and closed the door behind me," Damn Charlie, why you cheesin' so hard?!" Iris questioned.

I shrugged my shoulders," I can't be happy?" Tara crossed her arms," Before you left you was lookin' like a sad puppy. Now you all wide eyed and bushy tailed." I rolled my eyes at them. I glanced over at Erin who had her mouth twisted up to one side," She just got back from her dick appointment with Vanilla from the coffee shop." She emphasized the popping sound at the end of her sentence and all the girls gasped," Ms.Jackson!!" I shook my head and waved them off," Alright I'm going to bed." I sped walked to my room, Iris and Tara got up from their spots trying to chase after me," Charlie! You can't just leave and not tell us the details!"

I quickly ran into my room and slammed the door behind me, locking it shut," Gooooodniight." There was banging on my door," Charlie!!" "I said GOODNIGHT."
I could hear them suck their teeth and march back into the living room. I was going to take a shower, but I didn't feel like dealing with the girls. I stripped myself completely naked and threw on a tshirt, before finally jumping into bed and falling asleep.

The next morning, I woke up before my alarm clock went off and threw covers off my body. I went into the kitchen and headed straight to the refrigerator. I opened the freezer and grabbed my Starbucks frappuccino bottle.  It wasn't too frozen so I shook it up. I grabbed a metal straw from the kitchen drawer and put it into the bottle and took a long sip," Was it good?" I slapped my hand over my chest and turned around to the voice. I coughed up the liquid that went down the wrong pipe," What are you talking about?"

Erin leaned against the kitchen counter and smirked," Come on now—you know exactly what I'm talkin' bout." I took another sip of my frap and rolled my eyes," I have no idea what you're implying." Erin raised her eyebrow and and crossed her arms over her chest," Mr.Vanilla—how was he? Was he big—Did he blow your back out?"

I nearly got choked up again, trying not to laugh at her invading questions," What does it matter to you?" She shrugged her shoulders," I don't know, maybe I would like to have what you're having," A devious smirk was spread across her face," Cause he certainly has you actin' like a whole different person." I huffed trying not to roll my eyes again," It was, alright, nothing to go crazy about."

She scrunched up her face and lifted herself from the counter," You're lying, but I'll take that as a 'He is certainly rearranging my guts and I don't want anyone to know'." Erin gave me one last smile before she strutted back to her room. I shook my head and continued to sip on my frappuccino as I made myself some buttered toast. I shook my head and laughed," Invasive ass bitches."

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