Chapter 2

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I woke up, at around 6 a.m which was very weird because I fell asleep very late last night. I walked around the house and my dad was already at work, so I decided to get changed into some comfy clothes.

I left for the diner but I found myself in a dark alley, I couldn't see a thing but I could hear the annoying voice of Harry

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I left for the diner but I found myself in a dark alley, I couldn't see a thing but I could hear the annoying voice of Harry. I followed his voice and I saw him with Gil and Uma. Uma saw me and exclaimed "Y/N you made it!" and gave an evil laugh. I was kinda lost so I asked her "what are you doing here?", "we have a plan" Harry spoke. "I wasn't talking to you, donkey" I replied as he gave me an angry look "we're gonna steal the wand" Gil shouted in joy and Uma stepped on his foot "you idiot if anyone hears we'll be fish bait" "sorry" Gil whispered. As we walked to the diner Uma told me the plan and Harry was annoyed that I was part of the plan at all. 'Ha-Ha' I thought to myself. "UMA" we hear Ursula shout from inside the Diner, she shouted so loud we could hear from outside the diner. Uma ran into the diner and started serving the food to people. Gil, Harry & I sat at our table by the window so we could see what was happening outside.

Harry's POV

I was looking outside the window when I felt something wasn't right. I looked around the diner to see if there was anything wrong but there was nothing. All of the sudden Gil shouted "Stare battle" at us and then Y/N mumbled "I don't think he'd be up for it". "Let's do it" I exclaim as she looks at me in the eyes and Gil counts down, I realise her eyes are (eye colour, just not blue) which is such an ugly colour. Gil stares at us staring at each other when Uma comes and slams a tray on the table and makes us both blink. "You blinked first" I claim "no you did", and Uma shouts from the kitchen "babies". I don't know but I felt something odd again, I felt something inside my stomach twirling, they felt like butterflies 'probably bad fish sticks' I thought to myself. After a while of games and challenges with Y/N and Gil, Y/N shouted so Uma could hear "gotta go, see ya tomorrow". And as soon as she left the feeling in my stomach was gone.


I walked home and a few pirates attacked me out of nowhere, I had forgotten my sword at the diner and I wouldn't be able to get it back until tomorrow. The Pirates had swords so I fought them like my dad would have fought Mulan. We were in an alley so there was wall on each side, so I ran to the wall flipped on it and ended on one of the Pirates shoulders. I twisted his neck and I did it just enough to knock him out, but there were still another 2 pirates left to fight "fight like men and don't use weapons" i shouted. So they dropped their weapons and started swinging their fists at me, one of them went for my face and I grabbed his fist and twisted him onto the ground. The other pirate hadn't dropped his sword he still had it in his hand so I went through his legs but he turned around and had a dagger, he took his dagger and tried to stab me in the side of my stomach. I felt a little cut but it wasn't huge. I took the dagger and stabbed the guy. As I was walking away I felt a little bit faint and started walking against the wall, I held my stomach where I had been stabbed and saw a lot of blood. I had totally forgotten that Harry walked though the same route as me because he lived close to me, I felt more faint with every step I took and I heard a Scottish accent coming from the end of the alley. Harry came running to me.

Harry's POV

I saw Y/N she looked like she was about to faint, she was probably pranking me but I still felt the need to go up to her. As I got closer to her I got that weird feeling in my stomach again every time getting stronger. I ran up to her just in time because she fell backwards. She had fainted, I looked at her and saw blood all over her shirt. I picked her up and carried her to my place which was also Gil's and Uma's place because it was closer. I kicked the door open knowing that Uma and Gil would be here. "HELP, HELP" I shouted as Uma and Gil came running down the stairs. They saw Y/N and had terrified looks on their faces. Uma asked "what happened?" In a freaked out tone. " I don't know one minute I was walking home the next I saw her fainting and brought her here". Gil looked scared and I know he hated the look of blood so I told him to go to our room. After a while I walked back into the room where Uma had Y/N and saw that she had bandages all around her waist and stomach. She woke up and Gil, Uma and I surrounded her. "What happened?" Uma asked. "Pirates, Swords, Daggers" Y/N mumbled. "What?" I asked "God, she said there were 3 pirates they all had swords and she forgot hers at the diner, she knocked 2 of them out and the other stabbed her but she ended up stabbing him. Man why'd you make me repeat it again!".
Uma was wondering what just happened and so was I. All we heard next was the door thumping louder and louder. Uma grabbed her sword and so did Gil and I and I opened the door to Y/N's father, Shan Yu. He looked very worried "where is she? She is never late for Saturday dinners" I walked him to Umas room and he saw her and kneeled next to her. It was actually kind of sad. But we knew she'd be fine, because if she isn't who will I annoy.
                                                                    6 month time skip~

1076 words

Hey guys. The chapter today was 1076 words without this analogue. Hope you like it. I will be uploading later today or tomorrow. Again I always accept ideas but please no hate. Love you all!


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