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Pj comes back frowning.

Pj: I couldn't find them, they must be hiding.

Dan: I would be too if I was them.

Pj: Are you afraid of me Dan?

Dan: I-uh...no?

Pj: *whispers* Well you should be. I could ruin you. I could tear you down until you had nothing left to live for.

Dan: I doubt that.

Dan truly did doubt it. Dan already had nothing left to live for. He didn't even know why he kept going when he could just end it all.

Pj: You doubt me? Let's see about that. This is over.

Dan: What do you mean?

Pj: Come with me, let's see how much you doubt me.

Pj started walking off with Dan following close behind. Dan was worried. What was Pj going to do? They got to the hall where everyone was getting their food and Pj cleared his throat loudly. Then he started shouting do everybody could hear him.

Pj: *shouting* Everyone! You all know Dan right? The popular, badass boy right? But do you all really know him?

Dan: *worried* Pj shut up!

Pj: *shouting* Well I'm about to reveal exactly who he is! The Dan we all know so well, is gay! He gets beaten by his father EVERYDAY for being a disgusting homo. So now he's excluded from being our friend. Now he'll be alone just like he deserves to be!

Dan stares wide-eyed at Pj. How could he do that?

Pj: *whispers to Dan* Phil's next. Tomorrow.

Dan steps away from Pj and looks around. Everyone is staring at him. Some in disgust, some in curiosity. He even notices Connor, Phil and Chris watching him, with pity. Dan stands frozen, not knowing what to do. Then there's another voice shouting.

Phil: Everyone! What is wrong with you all? There's absolutely nothing wrong with Dan! Could you all grow up and stop being so homophobic? It's getting old now! Not being accepted for something you can't change about yourself is so stupid!

Pj: *shouts back* And why does this concern you?!

Phil: BECAUSE I'M GAY! If anything it doesn't concern YOU!

The attention from Dan quickly switches around to Phil, who hates attention. Phil realises his mistake and turns red. Connor then stands up too. Only a couple of people know that he's gay so he decided to come out too, to take the attention away from Phil.

Connor: *shouts* Me too! I'm gay!

Chris: *shouts* I'm bisexual!

There are a few more gasps and everyone is watching the trio, Phil, Connor and Chris. Then there's a massive outbreak of applause. Most of the people in the hall were clapping. There were a few looking angry and disgusted but most were clapping. Phil looked at Connor and Chris and they were all smiling.

Connor: Let's get out of here.

Chris: Yep let's go.

Phil, Connor and Chris leave smiling, on their way to the bench.

As Dan was about to leave Pj turned to face him angrily.

Pj: You are all in for it tomorrow. Especially Phil. He won't be able to walk once I'm done with him. Do you understand?!

Dan: *nods*

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