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Adrian was young. Only thirteen. Nothing in his life could ever prepare him for the horrific scene downstairs the next morning. Dan was on the floor with a pool of blood under him.

Adrian: DAN WAKE UP!

Adrian shakes his older brother but Dan refuses to wake up. Adrian runs upstairs to his mother's room. He bursts in without knocking, scaring his mother.

Dan's mum: Adrian...what's wrong?

Adrian: D-Dan is-come w-with me!

His mother jumps out of bed and follows Adrian downstairs. She sees Dan and immediately calls an ambulance. Adrian sits next to Dan, begging him to wake up.

Adrian: Please. Please. Please wake up Dan. I love you.

An ambulance comes and takes Dan away.


Jenn: I knew something like this was going to happen! I should've said something to him!

Maria: Now, now, we couldn't have done anything to prevent it. He makes his own decisions.

Jenn: I know but-

Maria: No, this wasn't our fault. He'll wake up soon enough and everything will be fine. He'll get the help he needs and be better.

Phil could hear his mothers talking about him, but he didn't want to open his eyes. He didn't want to see the sadness and disappointment in their eyes so he decided to try and get back to sleep.

Phil's thoughts were haunting him. Why would Dan save him? Dan should've just let him die like he wanted to. Phil wanted to die so badly but Dan prevented his wishes from happening. Phil hated Dan for this. Phil hated Dan with all his heart.

Phil heard the door open and a doctor started talking to his mothers.

Doctor: We've run all the tests on him and he seems to be fine. We pumped his stomach so there won't be any drugs in his system. Once he wakes up he may be a little dazed as we did fine him anaesthesia to stay asleep as we stomach pumped him. What was the name of the young man that saved him?

Maria: We were told that it was Dan. Dan Howell I think it was?

Doctor: Right, and are they close friends?

Jenn: I'm not sure, why?

Doctor: Dan has been rushed to hospital with severe blood loss.

Maria: What?! Why?

Doctor: We are not sure yet.

Jenn: Will he be okay?

Doctor: That, we are also not sure of. It's too soon to be sure.

Jenn: Ok, thank you.

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