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Unknown number: Are you okay? I saw what Pj did.

Phil: I'm fine.

Unknown number: Where are you? Please tell me you're at the nurse's office??

Phil: I'm in the bathrooms. Honestly, I'm fine.

Unknown number: I have to go. I'll text you later...

Dan reads Phil's message again. He's in the bathrooms. Dan just saw Phil getting beaten up by Pj. He couldn't intervene as he saw the end of the beating. Once Dan made his way to Pj, Pj stopped and Phil was bleeding from his mouth and nose. As Dan was about to start shouting at Pj, Phil ran away.

Dan starts making his way to the bathroom. He tells himself to act surprised to see Phil in there. Dan opens the door and there's blood in the sink and tissue with blood on it.

Dan: Hello? Is someone in here?

He doesn't get a reply so he knocks on the only stall that is locked.

Dan: Are you okay? There's blood everywhere.

Dan listens carefully but all he can hear is heavy breathing. It sounds like they're hyperventilating. What if they're having a panic attack? Dan knocks on the door again but whoever is in there, ignores him.

Dan gives up knocking and just kicks the door. The school is pretty old so the door swings open. It hits the back of the wall, scaring the crap out of Phil. Phil is sitting on the floor cuddling his knees with blood all over his shirt. He's also crying a bit.

Phil: G-go away.

Dan: Are you alright? How badly hurt are you?

Phil: I-I'm not h-hurt.

Dan: *sighs* Can you stand up?

Phil: Yes. But I-I'm fine. You can go. I don't need y-your help.

Dan crouches down next to him and looks Phil in the eyes.

Dan: I know you don't need my help, but I'm going to give it to you anyway. You're going to let me to take you to the nurse's office. That's an order by the way.

Phil: *sighs* F-fine.

Who are you?: PhanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon