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Phil: Know what he's really like? I'm sure I do seeing as he beats the shit out of me practically everyday!

Dan: That's the physical bullying. The emotional kind is worse. I'd rather him hurt me than what he's currently doing!

Phil suddenly feels sympathetic towards Dan. He doesn't see Dan as a popular scared-of-nothing boy for a moment. He sees the real Dan. The one that is currently sitting in a hospital bed for reasons that Phil doesn't even know.

Phil: What does he do? What is he really like?

Dan: *laughs emptily* For you to know that, you'd have to know my best kept secret.

Phil: Are you an alcoholic or something?

Dan: Pfft, no. It's not like that.

Phil: Do you want to talk about it?

Dan: Not unless you talk about your problems.

Phil: That's not going to happen.

Dan: Exactly.

Dan yawns and looks as if he's about to fall asleep.

Phil: I should go. You need to get some rest.

Dan: *yawns again* No.

Phil: Dan, you need to sleep.

Dan: No I don't. Not unless you promise to come back. Promise me.

Phil: Dan I can't-

Dan: Promise me Phil or I'm not letting you leave this room.

Phil: Ok fine. I'll be back tomorrow.

Dan: Promise?

Phil: Yes, I promise.

Dan: I'm putting my trust in you Philip, don't let me down.

Phil shakes his head and leaves Dan, who falls asleep almost immediately after the door closes.

Once Phil gets home, his mothers are already fussing around him.

Jenn: How was it? Did you both talk? Was he awake? Is he alright?

Phil: You need to breath in between sentences. It was fine. We did talk. Yes he was awake and he seems alright.

Jenn: Seems alright? What does that mean?

Phil: He's hiding something. He has a secret that he doesn't want people to know.

Maria: You and him both.

Phil: *glares at Maria*

Maria: What? I'm just being honest! He has a secret and so do you. Why don't you just tell each other?

Phil: Because he wouldn't understand. He's popular. If he told someone, my non-existent life would suddenly be one very existent life but not in a good way!

Maria: He doesn't seem like that sort of person.

Phil: Not everyone is as they seem.

Jenn: Exactly. So you need to stop judging him before you know him.

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