867 17 6

Billie Eilish

There's many places I could be right now- You know just chillin' in my room smokin' a blunt, listenin' to some random hipster shit. But nah, I'm stuck here at this lame ass party with these lame ass people. I know-I have no room to judge who's lame or not, but when I think party; I assume there's atleast good music and drinks. Nope this wack ass party says otherwise. I can't blame anyone but myself; some girls around my apartment complex were asking me to come and my guilt dragged me here.

I crept around the rooms of the house, each room had its own unique style. Fancy paintings and sculptures were scattered so precise in each room. No wonder no was partying really hard. A lot of money went into the interior decorating in the house. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a cocktail cooler-the only alcohol in the house. I pulled the tab off and chugged the whole thing. I threw away the empty can and went back into the lifeless living room, where the party was supposed to be at.

I walked in and seen some people sitting in a circle with an empty sprite bottle in the middle. What is this high school?? One of the girls I knew glanced at me and waved me over. I mentally rolled my eyes in the back of my head. I counted each step to the circle as I sat in between the girl I knew and some random guy.

She nodded at me and raised her hand to get all the other players attention,"Alright Seven Minutes in Heaven guys. Who wants to go first?" A grungy looking guy with a beanie on top of his head raised his hand," Spin the bottle." He brought his lanky hand to the bottle and spun it as fast as he could. I prayed to god that it didn't land on me. He looked like he smelled of the worse case of lice and bad decisions. The bottle turned and turned and turned, each time the top of it looking like it would inevitably land on me. It started to slow down and I could feel my heart pulsating through my chest. My throat was beginning to swell, i tried to swallow but my spit wouldn't go down. I looked away as I could see the bottle stop in my peripheral vision," Becca you are the chosen one."

The spit that collected in my mouth, finally went down my stubborn throat. The girl i knew, set the timer to 7 minutes on her phone as she led them to the walk in closet. I unhooked my hands from behind my back and held my right hand to my chest to get a breath in my lungs. I don't even know why I'm wasting my time on this stupid middle school game. I glanced around the circle and everyone was chatting with each other. I looked ahead of me, my body jolted.

A pale boy with freckles and shoulder length reddish-blonde hair was sitting directly across from me. I examined his rusted colored leather loafers that went on-top of a nice pair of socks. The end of the socks stopped immediately right where his khaki pants started. He sat with one leg slightly outwards and his other leg with his knee up and his armed rested on it. I followed the veins that were discreetly protruding from his skin up his arm and to his pink rosy lips. His reddish-blonde hairs formed a goatee around his mouth. I could see his jaw tightening a bit as I locked eyes with him.

My hearing became muffled like i was underwater. A cold shiver ran through my blood as the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. The beat of my heart slowed down and my breathe was becoming faint. A hand grabbed my shoulder and shook me a bit," Hey, you okay?" The boy sitting beside me questioned. I inhaled the air that I wasn't getting and turned to the the guy," Y-Yeah, I'm good." I glanced back at the red-headed boy-his ocean blue eyes were still locked on me. The girl I knew finally walked back to us and he detached his gaze from me," Hey Jeremy wanna go next??" The girl I knew asked. A devious smirk crept onto his face," Yeah, it's the only interesting thing going on at this party." "Shut up asshole."
He chuckled at his own sarcastic humor.

He immediately stopped and stared back at me, I looked away not wanting to experience the trance again. The girl I knew's phone went off, she went back to the closet and opened it, we all could see Becca and the grimy boy had their tongues down each others throat," Okay guys, Heaven is over." They detached from one another and got out of the closet and returned to their original spots in the circle," Okay Jeremy you're up."

He carefully placed his hand on the bottle and spun it with no remorse. I learned my lesson from the first spin, I focused my eyes on the artwork on the walls. Examining each apparent brush stroke in the piece," Charlie! You have been summoned." My eyes darted to the bottle, the green cap was pointing directly at me. My heart began to race again, but more aggressive this time. I glanced at Jeremy who started to get up. I stayed glued to my spot trying to relax my nerves," Charlie, come on."The girl I knew waved me over and I followed her to the closet, my palms were getting really sweaty. She lightly pushed me in," Have fun guys." And shut the door behind her.

In the middle of the closet was a chest that functioned as a long seat. Jeremy sat on it with his legs on each side of the chest-chair. I glanced at him and he was already gazing at me. He patted the space in front of him and I willingly sat down on it," Hi I'm-" "I don't like small talk-so let's cut to the chase,"He interrupted," What's craziest thing you've ever done?" He scooted a bit closer to me and stared at me with his striking blue eyes," I-I-I uuuhh jumped building roofs with my white friends." His eyebrows rose up," You!? Jump roofs?"

I raised an eyebrow,"You don't think a woman can do crazy shit?"
He shrugged his shoulders," I didn't think a black woman can do something that crazy."

My face contorted into I don't know what; I placed a hand on my hip," What the fuck is that supposed to mean-"

"HEY! I ask the questions," He interrupted. I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. I never get choked up like this, especially not over some white boy," Did that offend you Charlie?" I rolled my eyes at him,"Yeah, it did?"

He straightened his back," What else offends you?"
I examined him head from toe," Those khaki pants and loafers."
He let out a devious chuckle as he stroked his goatee,"Sorry, I offended you." He planted his hand on top of mine, he stared at me waiting for a reaction. My brain was sending signals to my body to move my hand away, but I didn't.

Jeremy looked down and back up at me, some of his hair curtained half of his face. I held my free hand up to his face and softly tucked the hair behind his ear. His eyes glanced at my hand and back to me, he grabbed my hand and grazed it across his pink lips," I like your sass," He placed a firm kiss on the back of my hand," It suits you." He let go of my hand and he swiftly got up from the chest and stood up and on queue the girl I knew unlocked the door.

Jeremy waltzed out the closet and I followed behind him. I sat back at the circle and Jeremy said his goodbyes to the girl I knew and walked out of the house. I sat there dumbfounded as they continued to play the game. That whole encounter in the closet was strange, hella strange. But I didn't do anything, I felt so...paralyzed. I finally had enough of the foolish game and removed myself from it and went out the door of the house. I got my keys from my back pocket and got into my car.

I gripped the wheel as Jeremy kept popping up in my mind. No guy has ever made me feel so attached yet so disconnected. I couldn't stop thinking about his lustful blue eyes. I shook my head and continued down the road and pulled into my apartment complex. I headed up the flight of stairs and went into my apartment. As I stepped in the lights were off, I turned on the lamp in the living room. I kicked my shoes off into my room. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK

I raised my eyebrow once I glanced at the time on my phone," Who the hell?" I steadily pulled a knife from the kitchen drawer. I crept up to the door and swiftly opened it to reveal the pale blue-eyed boy." What are you doing here!? How did you know where I lived!? Did you follow me here!?"

He nonchalantly, pulled out a card that was held in between his fingers," Is that my I.D?" I grabbed the piece of plastic from his fingers and held on tight to it," You should be more careful." He said smoothly as he walked away from the door and down the stairs. I shut the door to the apartment and locked everything tight. What a fucking weirdo....A mesmerizing mysterious fucking weirdo.

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