Chapter 15: Cherish

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A/N so sorry for late update!! but ive been focusing on other fics and writing smut for most chapters in this is actually like, super hard hgfjd esp when my other fics are p angsty and smut filled. 

but i hope u enjoy! its a little shorter than planned but its cause i split this one in two so i could get the next chap out faster x

anyways hope ur all well!!


Camila never knew Lauren in nothing but her button up work shirt could be so fucking hot.

It's a lazy Sunday, neither are working their jobs; both having days off as the holidays come to an end. Camila moans softly as she wakes, bare from the waist up as she stretches. She rolls over, hoping to snuggle into the back of Lauren's neck and spoon her; but when she finds empty space she frowns and opens her eyes. Calling out to her girlfriend.

"Laur? Baby you awake?"

She hears Lauren's far away voice, then the other girl darts past her door way; making Camila raise an amused eyebrow.

"Just finishing this painting, be there in a sec!"

Camila rolls her eyes, Lauren newest art project for work has been her obsession. But what has her more intrigued is that when Lauren finally makes it to their bedroom, panting and covered in paint; she's wearing one of Camila's white flowy shirts. Splattered in colours and her hair up in a messy bun, pieces of her thick locks framing her face.

She's smiling sheepishly, eyes darting down to Camila's bare chest and watching how the older woman folds her arms. Raising an expectant eyebrow as Lauren stammers.

"I-I can explain"

Lauren bites her lip, making Camila smile fondly.

"Explain to me as to why my five-hundred-dollar work shirt is covered in paint?"

Lauren practically blanches, eyes wide and looking down to her half-covered body. "This was five hundred fucking dollars!?"

Camila snorts, beckoning Lauren with her finger and patting the space in front of her on the bed. Lauren blushes, responding to the command like it's instinct and lets Camila grab to her waist. Getting her to straddle her lap as she glides her hands comfortingly atop the younger girls thighs.

Lauren's not wearing any panties, and Camila hums appreciatively at that.

"I'm so sorry, I just thought it was like, you know. A normal priced shirt"

Camila kisses her softly, hushing her and massaging softly to Lauren's behind as she glides her hands around her body, making Lauren moan softly and grind down into her. Her fingers splay out against her spine, dipping into her back dimples making Lauren whine.

"Shh, it's okay baby girl. I can buy you more to wear"

Lauren gasps against Camila's mouth, feeling how her hands come back around to her front, massaging Lauren just below her navel; making her keen. The morning is light and soft, like Camila's lips and her touch and her hands.

"Y-You can?" Lauren whimpers against her mouth, feeling Camila smile against her lips.

"Of course princess. But you have to ask nicely, don't you?"

Lauren nods quickly, she wraps her arms around Camila's shoulders, tucking her face into her neck as she starts to grind down into her girlfriend's lap. Camila moans softly, pushing Lauren further against her by holding to her hips; guiding her as she feels Lauren's wetness against her.

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