Chapter 8: Gravity

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A/N oh boy im so sorry for late update! i hope u enjoy regardless! im really trying harder to update regularly. its just uni's a bitch and taking up like 90% of my time. but hopefully next update doesn't take this long! 


Lauren's on fire.

Like the type of hot heat of desire that thrums up your spine and tingles to the tips of your fingers. The type that has her breath catching, her stomach twisting in want when Camila steps around her kneeling body – nails dragging lightly across Lauren's shoulders, to her neck, making goosebumps rise on her skin.

She can feel her Mistress behind her, and suddenly, Lauren's vision is gone. She gasps, all her senses on high alert as Camila wraps a silk blindfold softly around her head; the loose tendrils of her hair tickling Lauren's cheek from where she leans down.

It's like nothing exists except for her, for Camila. Camila is the sun, and Lauren feels like, an asteroid or the moon or something. She's burning up in Camila's light.

And that's okay, she's fine with that. She's fine with feeling like the ying to her Mistresses yang. Her hands itch to touch her, twitching with want where they rest on the top of her thighs. She hears Camila tsk, and then the older woman is kneeling behind her, knees against Lauren's thighs as she moves impossibly close to the younger woman's back. Her front is now touching Lauren's spine, and all Lauren wants is to melt into her. She can feel the heat of her Mistress on her skin and Lauren's burning.

"Baby, do you need this?"

It takes not even a millisecond for Lauren to nod, she feels her hands come around her midsection, Camila hikes up Lauren's dress, letting her hands trail upwards and scraping the underside of her breasts over the fabric. Lauren's breath hitches, her body responds to how Camila then lets her free hand travel lower – slipping just under the waistband of her underwear. She doesn't go any lower, much to Lauren's disappointment, just lightly teasing her with the promise that she will.

"Do you deserve this?"

Her nails are digging into her thighs, and Lauren is almost breaking with the need for Camila's touch. Her Mistress notices this, taking Lauren's hand off her thigh and threading their fingers together. She hushes in her ear when Lauren whimpers, her unoccupied hand now tracing patterns on her navel.

And Camila then raises their joined hands up Lauren's stomach, palming her breasts through the dress with their hands and Lauren can't help the moan that leaves her lips. "I asked you a question kitten. Do you deserve this? Nod for yes, shake your head for no. That's all I want"

Lauren whines, because she doesn't know if she deserves what her Mistress can give her. So instead, she leans her head back onto her Mistresses shoulder, exposing her neck. She feels Camila's lips just below her ear, she squeezes her breast harder, eliciting another gasp from Lauren's lips as she starts teasing her nipple through the fabric.

And on a whim, she nods, hoping it's the right answer.

(It is, oh my god it is)

Because at the nod, Camila bites down softly to Lauren's exposed neck – smoothing it over with her tongue as she keeps teasing her breasts. Lauren's own hand fell down to her thighs again, bunching up her dress as Camila lights her skin with pleasure and murmurs into her neck. She can feel Lauren rocking slightly, squeezing her thighs together to try and get some relief.

Camila tugs on her ear lobe with her teeth, her free hand that was at Lauren's navel separating her pets thighs apart with a disapproving grunt. Leaving Lauren open, her thighs stretched apart, wetness coating the inside of her thighs from Camila's ministrations.

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