Chapter 5

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~Hayes POV~
The doctors took faith for a check up on what had happened, how did Taylor and Matt know where she was...? Sid they just come to beat her up? They're so cruel, it's disgusting how they could do this. "Person here for Faith lockharte!" the doctor yelled. I stood straight up and walked over to him. "Hello, faith just has a broken nose and slight concussion, but she will be fine, she just needs some rest, she'll probably wake up in about 20 minutes, you can go into her room 257 down the hall to your right." he said to me, I ran down to her room and opened the door. I saw her laying there peaceful. I then climbed into the bed with her and held her in my arms. she doesn't deserve being treated like this, after laying there thinking, I felt some movement from her. I heard a groan and I knew she was awake. "Hey sleepyhead, have a good rest?" I said to her smiling. she smiled back at me "Hey Hayes what time is it?" she asked. I took out my phone from my pocket and checked the time "4:00 pm" I said to her, "Don't you have homework to do Hayes?" she asked. "Its fine I have enough time to do it, don't worry about me I should be worried about you" I said to her. "Oh yeah I wanted to tell you what happened before I fainted, so I was just staring out the window and I heard someone come in, I thought it was you so I greeted you like usual. then someone said 'Were not Hayes' I then turned around and it was Matt and Taylor. I was so scared... they tried to apologize but I had confidence and told them I didn't accept with a long speech, after I was done talking Matt looked guilty and I saw Taylor got mad, that's when all the confidence drained out of me... he yelled at me saying that they were going to make me accept....then he beat me up....." I was shocked that they actually had the guts to say sorry, well Matt mostly. I was so angry at Taylor, "Hey faith, I'm gonna go home and do my homework now, if you need me just call me alright?" I said to her, she nodded and I left the room angry, I went home and saw the guys hanging out as always. I walked up to Taylor and punched him in the face. he fell to the ground in surprise. "HAYES WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!?" Taylor yelled, i was so angry I couldn't control anything, "THAT WAS FOR BEATING UP FAITH IN THE HOSPITAL!! YOU JUST FUCKING BEAT HER UP CAUSE SHE WONT ACCEPT YOUR APOLOGY!? WHO DOES THAT TO A PERSON WHO WAS ALREADY STAYING IN THE HOSPITAL! SHE DID THE RIGHT THING NOT ACCEPTING YOU RIGHT AWAY! YOU ALMOST KILLED HER!! ATLEAST MATT HAD THE RIGHT SENSE OF MIND TO NOT BEAT HER! SHE NOW WILL PROBABLY NEVER FORGIVE YOU!!!" I yelled to him, I then started to punch his repeatedly, I really cared about faith, and what he did crossed the line. Nash then pulled me off of Taylor while he lied on the floor unconscious. I went up to my room and slammed the door shut. I just decided to actually do my homework so I don't disappoint faith by failing in my classes.
~Faith's POV~
After hayes went home I just played on my phone and went on twitter, there was the usual hate. I really hate myself, why is Hayes even still by my side, I'd thought he would leave by now....just like everyone brother hasn't even bothered to visit me even though the hospital contacted him. No one really cares, hayes will probably leave me anyways.... I shouldn't have taped the note to the door, I should have left it in a bush in the front yard somewhere....i probably would have succeeded that day....what a stupid mistake I've made. I've been clean from my cuts for a couple of weeks now, with Hayes encouraging me not to cut. I was happy to finally have someone by my side, but yet disappointed that they were eventually going to leave me. I just turned off my phone and went to sleep....

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