Chapter 22

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August, 2007, NYU

“It is a good thing you came, Chanty,” Angelica shouted over the sound of the music.

“Why?” she asked, covering one ear.

“Because you have been around that boyfriend of yours for too long! You should have some fun!”

“Cameron and I have a lot fun in our own ways!”

“Oh, but not the fun like those two could offer!” her friend said, pointing at Zach and Liam laughing hard at their spot in the bar. Liam was slapping the table as Zach wailed his arms, telling some funny tale.

“They have been nothing but a pain in the ass! You should attend one class with them!”

“But they are fun! I sure think one of them likes you!”

Chanty’s brows furrowed. “Who?” She looked over at the boys once more.

Her friend winked at her when she returned her gaze. “Guess.” Angelica laughed as she pulled Chanty back to the table. “Come on! Forget about that kill joy boyfriend of yours for tonight and let’s dance to some music!”


Chanty started to doubt her own driving skills when she finally sat behind the wheel.

Liam’s strong scent from the bar was not helping her panicking senses.

She inserted the key into the ignition and looked for the hand break.

It was already dark outside and her hands busily searched under the steering wheel.

Liam shifted his weight from the left to the right, indicating that he was getting impatient.

“Hand break…” she muttered under her breath.

“Right side,” he said in his neutral tone she had trouble getting used to.

“Right,” she said, finally grasping the handle. She pulled the hand break free, turned on the ignition and placed the car in gear.

Liam never uttered a word which made Chanty feeling more uncomfortable. She was not getting used to this Liam.

Just this morning, they had been okay. Everything was almost magical. And it all went crazy in just a couple of hours.

It was only when she turned the car to the direction of the main road did she realize that if she would take Liam home, she would have to find her own ride back to her place.

She should have taken Philip’s offer.

Or maybe she should call Cass and get a ride.

But she needed to talk to Liam. She had to clear everything.


Liam couldn’t point out what he was feeling since he was a bundle of emotions at the moment. Add the fact that he just came out of a precinct after a chaotic night at the bar.

And Chanty was driving him home.

But he was certain of one thing: he could still feel the anger.

He was rational enough to admit that Chanty had tried to tell him the truth back then and, as Zach had pointed out, he ignored it because he desperately wanted to believe he was Willie’s father.

But his emotions were not as rational as his mind at the moment. He felt he had been used. Just like that night four years ago which was a slightly different because that time he was willing to be used. He was willing to give her anything she needed.

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