the truth in the purple jellybeans // part 2.

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Topanga taps Riley's shoulder in attempt to pull her out of the daze she's in. She jumps in fright. She tugs her headphones off. "Oh, hey mom. You scared the pee out of me." She jokes. "I'm sorry, sweetheart, but we're here." Her mom informs. Riley looks out the window to see the mountains covered in snow, and the huge lodge that they're all staying in.

"Oh yeah, I guess I was daydreaming." She realizes. "Come on, let's get your stuff sweetheart. Will you help me go ahead and start carrying the luggage?" Topanga questions with a smile. Riley nods, and gets off the bus while Josh tries to quiet the students. Poor guy.

"Josh is gonna go over the rules real briefly with everyone before they all get off the bus. Will you help me carry in one more load of luggage? After that you can get settled into your room, which you share with Maya and Smackle." Topanga informs Riley as they enter the lodge with as much luggage as they could carry. Riley nods, sitting all the bags on the ground.

"Before I go back over the rules, can I get Lucas, Zay and Billy to start carrying some luggage into the lodge?" Josh read off of the packet his brother gave him to follow. The boys nodded and got off the bus.

Riley picked up a duffle bag that ended up being to heavy for her. "Oh, let me get that for you." A low voice offers. He grabs the bag. Riley meets his chocolate brown eyes. He has curly, black hair and a sharp jawline. He's very masculine. "Thank you." She smiles. "Sure thing, what's your name?" He questions. "Riley Matthews." She replies, holding out her hand. "I'm Evan Anderson." He says, shaking her hand. "Nice to meet you." She replies, giving him a sheepish smile.

Lucas walks off the bus to see the exchange between his Riley and some other guy. He walks over to them. "Hey Riles, need some help?" He offers with his famous smile. "Thank you, but no thank you." She replies, walking back inside with a light load of luggage this time.

"You know her?" Evan asks Lucas as they gather more luggage. Lucas's lips form a tight line and he nods. "This may be too forward of a question, but do you know if she's dating someone?" He asks with a hopeful glint in his brown eyes.

If him shaking her hand set Lucas on edge, he's now on fire. He can't lie, Riley would get mad for him being possessive or what not. "She's in a situation with someone, so pretty much, yeah." He states firmly, trying to control the Texas Lucas that's pounding to get out. He didn't technically lie. "Oh." Evan responds, the glint of hope in his eyes quickly fading. Lucas smirks to himself.

Riley walks into her room with her bags. She picks the bed closest to the window. She starts unpacking her clothes, and then her necessities.

"Hey Riles." Maya calls as she walks into the room with her stuff weighing her down. She throws it on the middle bed, which is now her's. "I really hate gravity." Maya jokes. Riley lets out a 1 syllable laugh while hanging up some skiwear on her side of the closet. "Riles, are you okay? You seem a bit out of it, today." Maya asks, concernedly. Oh yeah, that's no biggie, it's just that the guy I'm in love with is in love with you, but it's completely fine. "Oh, I'm just tired, I've been up since 3:30 this morning." Riley laughs it off. Maya doesn't buy it, but doesn't want to pry.

"Greetings fellow ladies." Smackle greets as she stumbles through the door with armfuls of luggage.

They unpack their clothes, and head to the social hall for a late lunch. Maya sits down across from Farkle who is between Smackle and Zay. Maya sits between Riley and Lucas. Does one side sound particularly awkward? Good because it is.

Evan pulls a seat up at the end, beside Riley, unexpectedly. "Oh hi, it's Evan, right?" She asks, hoping she hadn't already forgotten his name. "It is." He assures, she nods with a fake smile.

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